Chapter Four: The Heir

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"Hadrian, wake up. Your grandfather wants you at his manor in an hour." Arcturus Black gently shook the Potter heir awake. "Get dressed." 

Fluttering his eyelids open with a soft groan, Hadrian shrugged off the light acromantula silk covers and hoisted his legs out of bed. "Why does my grandfather want me at his manor?" He asked while rubbing his eyes. 

I don't know child, but it must be important. Be downstairs in ten minutes for breakfast. We depart at half past eight." The Black lord responded softly, walking swiftly out of Hadrian's bedroom. 

Ignoring his aching legs, Hadrian stood up and hobbled over to his bathroom. He was quick to smarten up his hair and clothing, brush his teeth and put on his gold wristwatch. It was his favorite heirloom, a four-hundred-year-old watch which served not only to tell the time but as a multi-use portkey. He stopped to take one final look in his mirror, running a hand through his silky black hair. "You look excellent, dear. Now be sure to hurry along." His mirror said soothingly. 

"Thanks." The Potter heir muttered and strode out of his bedroom. 


"Heir Potter." His grandfather's sharp voice snapped Hadrian out of his musings. 

He looked up at Charlus Potter, who was looking at him with stern yet fond eyes. "Do you know why I have summoned you?" 

"No grandfather, I don't." Hadrian replied nervously, taking in his surroundings. 

They were in the eldest study in Potter Manor, the traditional study used by lords for hundreds of years. Although each lord had their own study, each one was mandated to leave their work, life's record, and other resources behind in this ancient study. It was first created by Sonaditus Potter after the fall of the last Roman king, Tarquin. Since then, every Potter lord had stored journals containing their life's work, and records on what they did through years of being both an heir and lord. The central desk was a large slab of elder wood, which sat under several boxes and folders of parchment, books, and artifacts that his grandfather was busying himself with. What caught the Potter heir's eye was a thick, black, navy, and gold tome with elegant gold leaf illustrations and black font decorating its cover. 'Natus Vincere' read near the top of the book. Hadrian's eyes widened considerably. The Potter heir knew exactly what it was, and why it held his family motto. Charlus noticed what his grandson was staring at and chuckled. "Yes, Hadrian, that's another thing I wanted to talk to you about today. Let's start from the top, shall we?" 

Hadrian bowed his head in embarrassment, before looking back up at his grandfather with inquisitive eyes. "It's come to my attention that you've almost reached your eleventh birthday. I would like for you to accept the Potter family heirship rings today, allowing for you to have access to the heir's vault, your private trust vault, and the Potter family magic. However, there's something I would like to do before that." 

Noticing his grandson's perplexed look, he opened one of the many grey boxes sitting on his desk. He pulled out a single piece of parchment which glowed faintly blue. In his right hand, he took out an elegant goblin silver dagger with rubies encrusted into its hilt. It was easily just half a foot long and as thin as a muggle pencil. He laid both items on the desk before returning to Hadrian. "What do you think about these items?" 

"A blood tests?" 

Charlus Potter smiled softly at the immediate answer from his grandson. Yes, his heir would certainly make a great lord. He was intelligent, sharp, and quick to make the correct conclusions. "Indeed. However, this is a special type of blood test created by a distant relative of ours, Embers Potter. She's my second half-cousin on my mother's side, and an expert magical genealogist and a renowned historian. She specializes in blood magic too, although she must be careful to not be detected by the ministry while working in that specific field. These blood tests will show one's entire family tree, their inheritance, properties, holdings, relations, and even familial magics. Much better and innovative than the Gringotts ones in my opinion." 

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