Chapter 110

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“Shit.” Belle mimics my sentiment before she jumps from my body, tearing herself free and pulling up her top as Ivana throws her hand over her eyes, even though she’s definitely not adverse to seeing a naked woman. “I’ve got to go.”

I didn’t know she could move that fast.

Belle runs without looking back, almost charging straight through Ivana in her hurry.

No. No, this isn’t happening, not after that. She can’t go back to him.

“Wait!” She can’t disappear again, I don’t even know where to fucking find her!

Ivana grabs my arm as I run after Belle, pulling me back and gripping my chin without fear to force me to face her.

“You know what he is, don't get involved. She’s a nice girl, but so were a lot of us. That world never let us go, not completely, and she’s in it now.” Well, she would know more than most.

“I can’t just let him fucking take her, he's killing her slowly and she can't even see it.” Ivana looks over at the end of the hallway as Belle struggles to pull open the door, a familiar pain flashing through her eyes at the fight of a young girl trying to escape something she never wanted.

“I shall return your body to your mother, but don't think you're getting out of the three shows you owe me.” I’d laugh if the situation wasn’t so fucking dire, running after Belle as fast as I can, water running off every inch of me into puddles on the floor.

He won’t let her out of his sight now. We need to arrange something, somewhere we can meet where he won’t find us, somewhere I can convince her to get the fuck out of here.

“Belle!” I scream over the music the moment I get the door open, only to freeze as I step through on the other side.

The lights aren’t flashing in here anymore, they’re glowing brightly to illuminate the scene before me; his hand weaved into her hair and gripping her head, wrenching it back enough to snap her fucking neck!

He’s a coward, how can he claim to be a real man when he handles a woman like that? Surrounded by his little army of cunts so he can make himself feel untouchable as he tortures her slowly.

No one is untouchable.

“Jordano... let's just... Ow!” He doesn’t let her finish her sentence, anger and rage flooding my system as he pulls her hair even harder, his eyes flickering between the water running down her body before looking over at the same running down mine.

“I believe I was generous, farfalla, we made an agreement that you were to see him only in my presence... It is clear you have betrayed that trust. You shall pay for that.” Like fuck she will.

“Get the fuck off her!” His eyes barrel into mine, but he doesn’t loosen his hold on her for a minute. I’m sure he’s used to being a giant in any room he’s in, but not in this one. I’m bigger than him, I may not walk around like I’m about to stab someone in the throat, but I’m not fucking scared of him either.

I watched my mum get beaten day after day by someone just like him, watched every bone in her body break, and I promised myself that the moment I was strong enough to fight back, I would, and I’d never stop fucking fighting.

That doesn’t change just because it’s a different woman I care about under his fists.

“It would serve you best not interfere in my affairs, this is not a matter for children. Your time in Belle’s life has come to an end. If you do not understand these words I believe I can leave a more permanent reminder upon your body. The choice is yours.” Jesus, you sound like a bad Italian movie character. Stop living up to the stereotype, dickhead.

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