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In this world, it's just us.
Harry Styles

Kildare Island. A home to all, both Pogue and Kook. We assume we know the people we share blood with, that raise us and have taught us to read and walk, but do we really know them?

Aria Campbell spent her whole life attached to her fathers hip, living off the joy of being Mr. Campbell's only child, his heirloom. Jealousy was at it's peak.

But as she sat here, sand pebbles cutting her knees as she watched the blond intently, she realized she hadn't known him. He was a stranger in her fathers body.

JJ tied his makeshift flag onto one of the palm trees, it flapping around in the wind, a chicken with a coconut bra and a joint hanging out of it's mouth.

He joined her side, wrapping an arm around her, "What do you think?"

Aria stared up at it, biting her bottom lip as she cocked her head to the side, "It's beautiful, J. Poguelandia?"

"Poguelandia." He repeated with a nod, grabbing her chin with two fingers, "It's you and me. We're in this together. Right?"

"Always." She reassured him, her voice unsteady as she forced a smile.

She did it. She escaped the life she's wanted an out to. But it didn't feel the way she wanted it too. She was with her friends. Her family. But it wasn't right.

"J? I mean, like, do you think someone will find us eventually? Like, getting rescued?" Aria asked with uncertainty, she could feel the boys body next to her tense up as he came to face her.

"Rescue?" He repeated, almost with a chuckle, "From what? From... from paradise? I'm not going back. Ever. I mean, look around. We got everything we need. Right here."

The only noises that could be heard was the crashing of waves against rocks, the sound of palm trees blowing back and forth, a seagulls squawking as they flew over.

She smiled lightly, "Just like we talked about."

"Exactly." He nodded, pinching her chin gently, "How's yours looking? You ready to provide for the family?"

"Yeah." She chuckled, following behind him as they neared the water.

He scanned the clear waters, creasing his forehead in thought, turning to her, "Let's go kill something."

Aria frowned, "You don't have to say it like that."

JJ shrugged, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Well, that's the circle of life, Ari. Unless you want to eat coconuts forever."

"After the last month, I think I'm good off coconuts." Aria sighed, shaking her head as her toes hit the warm water.

JJ handed her a worn out spear, made out of purely a sharpened stick, she kept her eyes glued to her feet, more worried she'd knock into something.

"All right, remember, watch your shadow. They see that, they're gone." JJ reminded, pure excitement radiating off of him, "Just like we practiced, all right?"

Aria hummed, staying still but moving her upper body, JJ frantically shoving his own spear down with a curse, "Hey. Hey,Ari. Ari. Ari, it's a skate. It's a skate right there. You see him. He sees me! He's coming over by you. He's coming towards you."

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