Better Quick Update!!(skip if you want)

335 7 2

Normal Announcement: Hi, hello! This is Otter (the writer) and i would like to announce that I finally made a cover for this book and my 2doc one is gone, i didnt like it so i deleted it (srry)

Uploading: This is about my upload schedule: I am going back home tomorrow and ill be arriving on Saturday evening (pst) I'll be writing chapters just not uploading them right away because i dont have mobile data, AND (this bit is important) I am going back to school tomorrow so the uploads will be more delayed than usual

Discord: Because this is at almost 200 reads, I was thinking about making a discord server for anyone who wants to join, thoughts? idk still lmao

That's all for today guys, because its late and my phone's gonna die, bye bye!
(word count including this: 143)

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