A sad, sad, Grian

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Sorry for what your gonna be reading, pretty much first time and im not good at writing stories- sorry bout that

no TWs yet but there might be some later on, idk

Grian POV

I got a message, great. It better not be Iskall asking if im oka- oh! its from Etho

    Etho: Grian, Me and the other hermits are going on a camping trip, and scar wanted to know if you wanna come, because apparently "im boring"
It wouldn't hurt to get outside, yea i guess im going.

Grian: I'll be there! :D

~Time Skip~
(Grian is packed and stuff and the hermits are all at the place)

Quick A/N: the desert is so boring, there's just dead bushes and dirt- also im doing this story on my phone so theres gonna be typos that i miss probably! okay so now theres just hills of sand/dirt i cant tell but its plain and i hate it

3rd person POV:

"Etho, have you gotten a response from Grian yet?" you could hear hope in scars voice, but also a hint of worry. Right as Scar asks he sees a flash of red, blue, yellow, and more red. "GRIAN!"

A/N: I passed by a goat in a crate in a red truck and i just saw a sign that says Thorp rd lmao- okay now back to the story

     The short blond boy is immediately tackled by Scar who in disbelief. Grian notices that Bdubs and Impulse are no where to be seen Then he notices that scar is staring at him.. "Scar? Scar. SCAR" once Grian yells scar falls back, landing on an unsuspecting Zedaph. "oops! sorry Ze-" "AAAHH! ZED! HELP" They all turn to face Tango, who is now upside down, hanging from a tree. Scar being scar cant help but laugh.

~Time Skip Again Because I Can~
(lmao i made it to Idaho, its lowkey kinda cool)

No ones POV

      "Attention Hermits! its almost sundown so we should work on getting some firewood and other supplies, so uh who wants to do what?" Ren asks, Grian suspects that Ren was the one that organized this, but its still undetermined. "Ren! i think that Tango should get some firewood!" Bdubs quickly says as he tries really hard to hold back laughter. "ugh, Zedaph and Impulse.. can you get Tango down, please?" Ren asks the two hermits while Tango is struggling to get himself free.
      After awhile all the hermits gather the necessary items, they all hold a big campfire! "Soo.. who wants to play 2 truths and a lie?" Scar asks, starting up conversation. "Oh, Etho cant play." Bdubs lightly says while the canadian looks baffled at the shorter, black haired, hermit. "wha- why?" "because your canadian, and we all know canadians cant lie!" Bdubs looks around, seeing all the laughing faces around but he notices Grian asleep on Scars shoulder- and then scar.. red as a tomato as hes trying desperately not to move or do anything that might wake up the smaller bird boy.
       "hey scar! i think you should go first" Bdubs tells the taller person. "uh okay, im not really good at lying so this is gonna be hard.. I love Jellie, I really like Grian, and uhm.. muffins are way better than cookies?" All the Hermits are silent, while scar looks over and sees a fully awake, tomato, Grian.

Scar POV:

"I- uhm- like, in.. I ! I like him in a best friend way! and uh noth, nothing more" smooth scar, smooth. "Pretty sure the cookies were the lie.. but that was very tricky scar" Jimmy said something but he is the only one oblivious to whats going on.

Quick Update: Idaho M I L K
idk just saw a truck thing that said that

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