Pt4 . Leaving spring court

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Armen helped me comb through a few volumes of understanding magics needed for release... none were remotely helpful even for Fae let alone made ... It did however make me more thankful yet again that Azriels magic didn't kill him locked in that basement.

Having given myself both a timeline and a reason that wasn't purely selfish to keep Ferye in the bargain I felt better than I had in months . My goal was to help her work off the strain of her magic like the damper on mine ... enough to keep the insanity at bay and then hope that things improved. I would spend the next week teaching her then one more week to see if it helped . I had an inclination that if it didn't she likely wouldn't make it to that second week but didn't allow myself to think about it .

Mor and I were at lunch along the river enjoying a rare unseasonably warm day. It wasn't warm but it was full sun and Mor never missed any chance to be in the sun.

"You're better, Rhys." Mor noted " something happen with Ferye the last visit?" She questioned.

"Not everything in my life revolves around Ferye." I quibbled.

"Lier" she chided. And almost as if mentioning her name opened the bond ... something was wrong... I could feel her but I couldn't make sense of what I felt. Her shields were down but all I could since was cold and fire and night.

"Mor... somethings wrong ... with ..."

"Ferye ... I know I see it in your face."

I forced myself through the darkness... , fire, ice, wind, tearing at my powers... clawed at everything till I found the words ... her words "locked me up."

"Mor...he's locked her in the manor." I winnowed to her.

I landed just outside the manor. I could feel the flimsy shield he put over the manor. I shattered the shield just as Mor landed in front of me blocking my path.

"You know the laws, Rhys... I'll get her... by the book Rhys. " she said.

"Summer." I ground out and winnowed to the doorway of summer in the once sacred mountain to wait for Mor and Ferye.
I heard Ferye thrashing not realizing till then that mor was carrying her... my heart plummeted till I heard mor voice
"Your free, your free" mor calmly said . As she finally emerged from the cave into the summer court field.

Ferye looked like she had been starving for a month or more but it had been 9 days ... only 9 days . I growled at how much I hated seeing her this way as mor passed her frail body into my waiting arms . She felt even thinner in them... she was light as a Feather.

" I did everything by the book" mor added.

" then we are done here" I wrapped her in a soft night to calm her fears. I could still feel her fear in the bond. I Let my magic be a lullaby to lull her to sleep. I winnowed us to the palace again . But I didn't take her to her room he had locked her up ... I went to the veranda that was the most open room in the palace I placed her on the sofa sleeping softly. I brushed back her hair letting it linger in my fingers and summoned a chair from across the room and waited and watched her sleep. I counted her breaths, counted her heartbeats ... if she had a nightmare I would pull her out with my mind . Her shields were down completely but I did not pry. I simply counted while I watched the sun coast across the sky . The twins and Mor both checked on me but I dismissed them both .

I'd sat still long enough that even the ache in my muscles didn't register. She finally was awake . No nightmares, thank the mother. I blinked and I felt the icey rage I'd been entombed disappear, wanting to be open to Ferye and ease her fears.

"What happened?" She asked. Her voice was very horse... I sent a tendril of my power down to the kitchen to summon her some tea.

" you were screaming... you managed to scare the shit out of every servent and sentry in Tamlins manor when you wrapped yourself in darkness and couldn't see you." I said plainly. I watched her face, listened to her heart to see if I could since any panic or power as she processed.

"Did I hurt any—" she asked I immediately cut in.

"No. Whatever you did, it was contained to you." I stated.
"You weren't..." she asked and I felt my knees wobble... she may still see me as a monster but somewhere in her she knew I'd protect her... she may not yet understand the bond ... but she knew I'd be there.
"By law and protocol ." I said stretching my legs out, feeling the hours of stillness aching now that she was awake. I told her about Mor rescue hopeing she would understand she was free . Take Mor's words to heart.

"When I go back..." she said.... I failed to keep the bite out of voice.

" as your presence here isn't part of our monthly requirement , you are under no obligation to go back. " I snapped. Rubbing my temple to ease some of the tension before adding ." Unless you want to." . I willed her to understand that I would do anything for her, but she would not be a begger. She had been a begger in the human world ... I offered her again to work with us... not because she needed to earn her keep but I knew working with us would work off the strain of not only her powers but also challenge her mind... and I hoped she find a spark of the woman she could grow into. The one with powers of 7 courts... the woman I loved beyond measure. I gave her the tea when I sensed it was finished . Some of her curiosity finaly emerged as she begin to accept the sudden upheaval in her life. My mind wandered while we talked... I wanted her not only to accept working with my inner circle but I wanted to show here s life she'd never known...and a small , selfish, part of me wanted to prove Tamlin was wrong for her... I knew I would fight to win her heart... see if I could make her fall in love with me... by showing her everything I was. It hit me... valaris.... I wanted to show her valaris... I knew I needed agree to protect valaris before I could show her.... Then the idea hit me...

" rest a day or two , Ferye. Then take on the task of figuring out everything else... I have buisness in another part of my lands... I'll be back by the end of the week." I tried to hide my plea ... play with me... Ferye... play with me. She looked bone weary, I saw her mentally talling staying along this week at the house...she wasn't ready... I thought.

"Take me with you." She asked. Thank the mother . I almost hit my knees and kissed her knuckles she played right into my hands... it was still a risk to trust her with the secret of valaris but my gift may not be like mors truth I knew ... I just knew in my bones I could trust her .

I explained what going with me ment, what secret she would have to keep.

"Where are we going?" She asked at last.

" Valaris ... city of starlight ."

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