Part 2 : the inbetween

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After ferye walked to her bedroom I sulked towards  mine to think... Mor unexpectedly greeted me in the hallway .

"That went well."  She grinned with wicked delight.

"don't you have work to do, Mor. "I said as I trudged past her heading to my bedroom but she stopped me with her next statement.

"You scared the shit out of Cassian by the way ..."

"Shit...I thought I didn't need anyone else knowing what Ferye was ... I didn't think about what being her here would revel... Mor knew only becuase I told her ... Armen would guess it almost in a heart beat... Az might already suspect based on my questions about his visit to spring court... Cassain and Ferye were so similar... they would be fast friends... so would her and Mor... I Thought as mor continued.

..... he's far more tuned to everyone's emotions than even you give him credit for sometimes...he hasn't bought for one second that your ok.. he knows you're breaking... he flew up to the house of wind after you winnowed so fast you let a glass of whisky shatter on floor ... you're lucky he found me before he found Az .Rhys...tell us how to help you ... tell us what you need ... if not me ... tell cassian ... or Az or damn it even Armen... but stop pretending you're ok."  She reached out her hand and placed it on my shoulder. 

" i can't tell her what I am , she's not ready for that, she's... too thin... too... broken ..." I felt the shudder in my body . " I don't know how to help her ... please Mor ... the bargain is nothing ... I would have saved her if she hadn't made it but she needed to not be alone ... and I feared Aramabtha would find out what I thought... that if she knew  there was any possibility she was my mate she  would kill her... if she had died under that mountain I would have died with her just so she wouldn't be alone ... she not getting better she's not even trying to ... she's more broken than she was then ... I don't know what to do..."  my voice broke and all I could do was look at her.

"stay with us here this week Mor. But don't tell her about the bond... tell me how to help her" I said, " I'll talk to cassian."
And winnowed to the veranda and reached out to his mind to explain.

I winnowed to just above the house of wind. Even though I told him the barest basics of what and why I had disappeared a week ago I knew I couldn't avoid him any longer . My wings flared behind me and I touched down on the Veranda. Cassian was eating breakfast and almost didn't deign me a glance up from his food. I knew he was pissed but this was more than I'd expected.  I walked over and joined him at the table.

" Are you going to keep pretending and tell me  that you decided to interrupt Tamlin's wedding for petty revenge and some bullshit bargain you made under the mountain? Are you going to start that same shifty bull shit you did like before that party" he said around a mouth full of scrambled eggs.

" i think she has powers hidden and could be vital in having sway over other high lords... " I hedged not wanting to tell him more than necessary. " I told you I felt something... like a flicker of my power only it wasn't ... mine. Like what if in making her we gave her more than we intended... I wanted to know if her power could be dangerous to us all ... could tamlin turn my own power against me." I looked up hoping he saw the truths I've told him and not the lies hidden behind it.

" you think war is coming... Hybern?... why...?" He sat up fully and looked at me shifting from my brother to my general.

" the courts are all weekend , I just feel like someone may see this as too good of an opportunity not to take... Tamlin has old Alliances with the King...I personally want to know what he's up to... A woman who can defeat the Wym is not a subservient breeding mare...but that's what Tamlin is showing the courts... if we can uses the bargain I made to gain insight we might avoid conflict ...and see what Tamlin is really up too."

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