I smile-Karina

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fem X fem

words: 712

genre: fluff, angst; put some glasses on, you'll see it

It was raining like no tomorrow in the normally busy streets of Seoul. On top of that, it had to be about 25 degrees in the early month of August.

But that didn't stop rain-soaked y/n from secretly venturing off at 10 p.m. to the dorm of the popular Korean girl group, aespa . Already having sneaked out of her own dorms, there was no way she could've gotten a ride from one of her managers.

So, she sloshes through the sidewalks without the proper attire for the weather. The hair in a wet bun at the nape of her neck was starting to get itchy, its stark contrast hidden under her soaked hood against the eerie yet bright nightlife. Not only were her leggings sticking to her legs, but the jeans on top were too, making the walk ten times more uncomfortable. It was all worth it though, for she hadn't seen her girlfriend since they seem to coincidentally have their comebacks at the same time. It's been about two months since they've been able to see each other without a camera on their every move or their busy schedules coinciding with possible meeting times.

Just the thought of finally being able to feel Karina's sweet lips on hers made the honey-blond push past the harshness of the winds until she finally reached the discreet entrance she typically took when she was meeting with the ballerina.

With numb and shaking fingers, y/n reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone and turned it on, surprised to see it still working. She could see her breath puff out in front of her as she sent a short text, notifying the oldest member of aespa to open the door.

No less than 5 minutes of shifting around did the steel door open, revealing the only woman to make her heart turn to mush, Yoo Karina. The blond quickly took in the wide-eyed idol, in the sweatshirt she lent her after just before the recent comeback. They stood there for a maximum of 2 seconds before the dancer was hastily pushed back into the building and being engulfed in an embrace full of so much love she could cry. Which she did, of course.

"y/n, I've missed you so m... I've missed you s-so much." Karina stuttered out with glistening tears spilling out of her chestnut eyes. Her delicate hands wound themselves around the taller girl's neck, not being able to get any closer than she wanted to.

Y/n unwrapped her hands from around the smaller girls' waist and softly planted them on the sides of both of the dancer's tear-streaked face, the cold of her hands soothing the heat on Karina's cheeks. She looked down at the doe-eyed girl in her hands and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Y/n poured her life and more into the trembling lips of the brunette against her, the barely audible whimpers causing her to pull her impossibly closer, hoping to hear more. She could taste the salt of her tears between their lips as Karina couldn't hold in the intense emotions coursing through her body. One of Y/n's hands wound their way into Karina's silk locks and softly tugged as the other crept back down to her hips to keep her steady.

Not being able to be in physical contact with each other for several weeks and now being in each other's arms was sending their senses into overdrive. The smaller figure of the lightly trembling in the others tight hold was unbearable, even through the thick clothes she was wearing.

Y/n reluctantly pulled away from Karina's addicting lips and leaned her forehead against her so they could both catch their breath. She brushed her thumb across her cheek to wipe away the still falling tears and brushed her lips ever so lightly against her upper lip. Her eyes closed on their own accord to bask in the warmth emitting from the girl cradled in her embrace, the faint hiccups could be felt against her torso.

However, their hearts beat with fervor. The secret talks on the phone, the nightly texts, and the sweet messages of "I love you," were all worth it and led up to this long-awaited moment.

"I've missed you more Rina."

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