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Later that day (Slight somnophilia???)

3rd pov

Beomgyu looked at his watch for the third time. Yeonjun was supposed to be home by now. Beomgyu had been all around the town that afternoon. Grocery Shopping, visited Yeonjun's Grandma ,picked up his nephew, and came back home.

He glanced over to the living room, seeing the small boy watch something on television. RagBob? Spongebib? Who knows.

"Woo Joonie, do you have everything you need before you leave?" Beomgyu asked the toddler.

"Yes, now shh, I'm watching SpongeBob!." woo joon scolded, with a cute lisp, eyes still on the TV.

He definitely gets that from me, he thought.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes playfully before turning back to what he was previously doing. Beomgyu pressed a small button on the stove, the oven light immediately flickering on. He smiled. He had been learning those fast pasta hacks. He thinks he's nailed it this time. Key word, thinks. He opens the oven reaching for the glass Tupperware. 

"Fuck!" He swears before covering his mouth. He slowly turns around, making sure Woo Joon didn't hear. He could not have a 4 year old swearing when he gets back home with Taehyun. Still distracted by the TV, he didn't hear a thing.

Beomgyu examines his hand, taking in the scorching red mark. He shrugs it off and quickly grabs an oven mitt, taking the dish out of the oven.

He sets it on the stove before taking the mitts off and rushing towards the sink, running his hand under cold water. He shook his hand off, not needing a paper towel and turning off the running water. Steadily walking over to the couch he sat next to the Woo joon, admiring his cute little eyes still stuck on the TV.

Beomgyu glanced at his watch again.  8:45pm, It read. It was getting later and later by the second, and Yeonjun still wasn't home.

Beomgyu pov

I smiled to myself, what an idiot, I muttered, can't even take care of his own business in enough time.  I drowned myself in the squeaky voices of the TV, and small breaths of Woo Joon before I heard faint footsteps at the door, then the familiar sound of the doorbell.

I glanced at Woo Joon as he had finally broke his trance from the TV and wiggled my eyebrows making him giggle. 

"See how weird your uncle is? He's ringing the doorbell instead of using his key. What a silly old man, huh?" I whispered to him funnily. I already knew it wasn't Yeonjun,(I just needed an excuse to say something about him.) It was just Taehyun, Woo Joon's father, and also my very close friend I've known since Middle School.

I unlocked the door revealing the pretty lady who immediately pushed me to the side, stepping in and yelling across the room.

"Woo joonie! Mommy's here. It's time to go home!" He smiled before whispering, "Watch this."

I raised my eyebrow at him confused. Then watched as Woo Joon pushed the blanket that was on his lap to the side, and grabbed his bag and rushed across the room, past us and out the door to the car I could see faintly behind her. I have never seen a kid move so fast in my life, especially one so small.

"Bye Joonie, I guess." I mumbled laughing while scratching my nape.

"Bye Gyu." He answered for him. "Thanks for watching our little Joon." He said laughing while giving me a small hug and stepping out of the house. "Tell Yeonjun we said hi." He called back.

I almost rolled my eyes at that one. "I will!" I called back instead.

 I waved back utterly amused, before closing the door. I put my back against the door sighing lightly as I could hear the sound of the TV still going and car doors closing and driving off in a distance. Alone, again.

I walked back to the kitchen eyeing the still bubbling hot pasta before crossing my arms and walking away before I stopped. 


I froze.

Shit, I thought. Yeonjun doesn't have any enemies does he? They wouldn't know where we live right? Or try to break in. My breathing got heavier and quicker, I was hyperventilating. I took a deep breath in, trying to calm myself down as the thudding continued, progressively getting louder by the second.

I looked to the ceiling, the small lit chandelier shaking underneath the pressure.

I took small steps towards the stairs, regretting each step I took. It was like an awful horror movie, in which I die first in.

I crept up the stairs with precision, already knowing each step carefully. I've seen too many things in this house to know which step makes the loudest or quietest noise. Which I'm starting to think is a relatively bad thing.

I took one last step, before freezing. The thumping and thudding turning into more noises. Small muffled screaming, and crying.

I looked to which room it was coming from, Of course it has to be ours, I thought. Right then and there I knew, even before looking through the small crack of the door, that this wasn't an intruder, or a criminal or felon looking for something valuable in a orderly house.

It was Yeonjun himself. His black bangs covering his eyes dangerously. Sweat dripped from his neck as he held onto the struggling body, covering its mouth and nose with just one hand. Suffocating the victim. The body struggle more with he loss of oxygen, it's struggling got weaker, consciousness and will to live slipping away by the second.

And I didn't do anything about it, I mean, who am I to interfere?

The body stilled as it went limp. I heard a faint sigh from Yeonjun, dropping the body and brushing himself off. He combed a hand through his dark sweaty hair, giving off the most attractive, dangerous expression, before I accidentally moved giving a small creak on the wooden floors.

I quickly moved away before he noticed. Holding my breath, as I slowly but quickly went down the stairs, after hearing footsteps behind me.

When I got to the bottom of the steps, I internally panicked, hearing the sound of the door open, and footsteps begin to approach the upper stairs.

I ran to the couch laying down quickly, to seem as if I had fallen asleep. The TV had still been on from earlier, giving the impression I had fallen asleep with it on. I tried to steady my breathing, before remembering.

Fuck, what about the wire tap? I thought, my eyes till closed. Yeonjun hadn't obviously been brave enough to put cameras  in the living room or near the stairs  so I knew I was safe. But it didn't hear me run right? Or my heavy breathing earlier. I silently cursed at myself, annoyed by how oblivious I was to the fact my boyfriend is fucking obsessive and has a bad murdering habit.

I pushed it to the back of my head ignoring my anxiety, as I head the footsteps ger down the steps. Stopping, I'm guessing the look around. Before getting closer to me.


They stopped right in front of my head, I felt him crouch down by me, aroma and cologne fanning over me. I felt the slightest bit calmer with his scent in the air, but the slightest bit more afraid for my life.

I felt his cold fingers that, just took the life of someone, brush my bangs out of my eyes, before tracing them down my face. I breathed lightly, giving the sleeping impression.

I could feel him get closer before pressing his lips on mine, and then to my cheek, then to my forehead. His finger traced down my body stopping at my waist. His finger traced up my bod again, slower, lifting my small shirt. Before stopping abruptly.

"Oops." I could hear him snicker.

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