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Mixed pov

Beomgyu layed cuddled up in Yeonjuns side, as he combed his hair through his hand.

Beomgyu shuffled around closer to the warm chest. Inhaling the mint scent.

"Gyuie, " Yeonjun started, lifting beomgyu's weight off of him.

Beomgyu whined, shuffling around.

"Beomgyu, " Yeonjun seethed, grabbing both of his arms pulling him up.

Beomgyu gasped awake, widening his eyes.

He looked around frantically, looking for blood prints, rubbing his hands over his face in search h of dry blood, nothing.

He felt the back of his head, his head wasn't avhing from being pulled.

But it's still hurt.

"Junnie I had a bad dream. " Beomgyu said eyes forming tears, yeonjun quickly eyed beomgyu.

Coming closer to him slowly.

He held up his smiling the tears that had already fallen, on his face.

"Don't waste you tears baby, " he said admiring them like they were diamonds. "It was just a dream"

He reached his arms out to the crying boy, wrapping them around the slim waist.

He rubbed his hand up and down the boys back, pulling away.

"Why don't you go take a bath? " he suggested.

"okay junnie" beomgyu said, recovering from his crying, smiling.

He gave Yeonjun a peck, before running towards the bathroom.

He looked at the calendar I'm confusion.

February 23rd.

But wasn't it February 20th yesterday? Beomgyu thought

Beomgyu pov

Had I been asleep for 3 days? Maybe I'm wrong, I couldn't have been asleep for that long.

I think I just forgot to cross off some days.

"You alright gyuie? " Yeonjun asked, back hugging me from behind.

I wrapped my arms around the ones ok my waist, leaning back on his shoulder.

"I feel really weird, I forgot to cross off 3 days on my calendar, the back of my head hurts a bit, and I just have this eerie feeling. " beomgyu confessed.

Yeonjun tensed for a moment, immediately relaxing after.

"Oh.. i- I forgot to mention, yesterday you fell asleep on the couch, and I brought you upstairs, you head accidentally bunoed into the ledge, that probably why it hurts" Yeonjun said turning beomgyu around.

"Oh.. Okay" beomgyu said, still wondering why yeonjun didn't mention the calendar part.

Beomgyu lightly pushed him away, walking to the bathroom.

Yeonjun pulled him back in wrapping his arms around him,

"How about.. " He started, cupping the boys hips, "We take that bath together? "

Beomgyu smiled wrapping his arms around his neck.

He admired his boyfriends face, nodding.

His smile slightly faltered, seeing an almost unnoticeable smudge of dried blood on the olders cheek.

"Baby, is that blood? " beomgyu asked, gently scraping the blood off of his cheek.

He watched as it lightly flaked, falling down on Yeonjuns shoulder.

"No, " yeonjun said gritting his teeth. "I was helping a coworker paint yesterday"

"Oh, " beomgyu said. "Ok"

He knew exactly what was happening, he knew it wasn't a dream, he knew that wasn't paint, he knew why his head was aching.

But he had to make it look like he didn't know, he couldn't risk Yeonjun knowing he knew.

He already saw what would happen 3 days ago.

Had he been sedated? Drugged? I mean he was unconscious for 3 days.

Beomgyu had been spacing out for a hit, not noticing how the older was gently patting his cheek.

He felt a harsh grip on his jaw, breaking him out of his trance.

"Beomgyu... I'm getting quite impatient, " Yeonjun warned through gritted teeth, "I'm gonna need you to answer me, before I lose my patience. " he said gripping the poor boys cheek harder.

Beomgyu shook his head in both fear and assurance.

"No I'm okay Junnie, I just was thinking about our shower time. " Beomgyu said, finding and excuse.

Yeonjun smirked, beomgyu knew what was going to happen.

Yeonjun gripped his hip tighter, reaching down the his thigh, draping it across his waist.

Yeonjun wasn't stupid, he knew Beomgyu was suspicious of him, but he knew how to handle the dumb boy.

He had been doing this for years.

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