15- aftermath of the attack

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After the attack, the villains were taken to the station while the students  stayed back at the camp with Izuku, Anna and Hange.


Toga, Twice and Muscular were all taken to the police station where they were being interrogated in different room with one sided glass.

Toga was up first, in front of her was aizawa, a police  officer and the lie detector detective and on the other side of the glass with nezu, two other police officers, Mikasa and midnight.

"We will be asking you some questions, please answer honestly"
"Is your name is Toga Himiko?"



"Age 16?"



"Your quirk is blood related?"



"How much members are there in the league?"




"Next question then... why are you a villain?"



"Is muscular apart of the league?"



"I'm going to ask you again... is muscular apart of the league?"




On the other side of the glass

(Aizawa came across on the other side)
"What do you guys think?" Asked Midnight.
"I think she's a bit to young be just put in prison, she should have another punishment instead" Mikasa replied, looking at Toga.
"True.... I've been thinking of opening a villains rehab for young villains to have a new start..." Nezu stated.
"I agree with Nezu, society is in fact corrupted, so her reason is kinda justified, so many persons out there are being mistreated because of there quirk and/or lack of one" Aizawa said as he drank his coffee.
"I say keep her in a holding cell for a few night, then see if any of her answers change" Midnight joined in the conversation.



"Your name is twice right?"



"How old are you?"

"Why do you want to know?!"

"Why are you a villain?"

"I'm not a villain"


"He has a personality disorder?" Midnight asked.
"I think so" Aizawa replied.
"Make sure to write that down" Nezu stated.

(I'm not sure how to write Twice and Muscular part)

Muscular refused to talk to anyone in the integration.

"What are we going to do now?" Mikasa asked the group.
"I'm not sure, we will have to wait for Midoriya's opinion before we do anything" Nezu said as he went over their files.
"You going to open the villains Rehab?" Aizawa asked.
"As I said, we will have to wait for Midoriya's opinion, the heros commission might listen to him if he ask"
"Until we get an answer, we will keep them in a secure lock up cell, apr from each other" the detective said and they all agreed.

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