A new but old war

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Luke who had been completely silent out of shock at what James had transformed into stood amazed. James the coward. The guy who would run away at the sign of any conflict was an all powerful god. Luke couldn't quite figure out whether to be amazed or frightened that gods were real. The gods all whispered to each other about a disturbance they had felt only once before. A disturbance that started the war. Tiosus then turned to Luke and told him "you will be sent to the mi5 institution for demigods. Luke proclaimed "isn't that place for spy's" but Titanos quickly explained that in order for the gods to stay just a belief to humans an aura is cast across the entire planet shielding humans from seeing monsters and any supernatural beings. Everything around him dissolved until the making of a receptionist desk materialised in-front of him. The voice spoke softly "please sign here. Agreeing that you will help the gods whenever they need it. In return they protect you". Luke signed the form and proceeded to walk through a corridor that seemed to go on for ever. All the rooms he walked past had the names of people that he assumed where other demigods. Finally he thought as the room with his name on it appeared in his view. Swinging open the hard cold steel door brought fear down his spine. As if someone or something was staring into him, controlling him. He stepped into his room and found a murky mattress with holes in it on the floor. A cracked mirror on the left wall. Luke had expected something more lavish after seeing the citadel. However jumping from foster home to foster home for the last two years had already taught him that to cherish everything he was given.  His first foster family truly despised him. He would spend days with out food and water. Locked away in the cold damp basement he called a room. He quickly came to the realisation that his most horrible memories were the only ones that were truly real. He turned to the door to see a man. Who from the torso down was nothing but smoke. Luke gazing at the smoke trying to figure out how he stays suspended in the air. The man said impatiently "what are you looking at. Never seen a cloud demon before". Luke asked jokingly
"A cloud demon. Did Tiosus create you or something".
"As a matter of fact he did. He is my father". The cloud demon responded.
"So what should a call you then?" Luke questioned. "Call me Max". The demon responded. "Ok Max, before I was sent here the gods were talking about a disturbance they hadn't felt since last time. What does it mean?" Luke questioned. Hesitantly Max responded "Along time ago a war raged across the entire universe. The side that won the war believed in democracy whilst the side that lost well they believed in a dictatorship. Titanos and uephoros sacrificed themselves to end the bloodshed our quaking battle had caused to the mortal world. Legend says that they were pulled into the deepest darkest pits of the underworld. Unable to escape. If Titanos is out and the gods have sensed Virestul this could mean it is happening all over again." Luke asked "wait if Titanos and Virestul have escaped then shouldn't the gods try to find uephoros?"
"Luke though uephoros saved the new gods they do fear him. He is the most powerful of all."
"Why do they fear him?" Luke questioned.
"He was just a mortal. Until one day out at sea he stumbled into a portal unbeknownst to the gods. His discovery saved them from an ambush that could of wiped them out. The gods rewarded him with a single wish. His wish that his family and friends were protected during this war. The gods agreed on only one condition uephoros had to become a god. Every new god blessed uephoros giving him some of there abilities. He fought furiously against the enemy. Until one day when he decided to visit his family for the first time in two years. He arrived to see the village up in smoke. Quickly relieving the village of the fire he approached his old home. Shocked to find his family burnt to crisp. Furious he materialised into the citadel. Right to the new gods chambers. His eyes bloodshot with anger. Until Titanos stopped him told him that he has a plan to stop anyone else from ending up like his family. Together him and Titanos defeated Virestul trapping him in the deepest darkest pits of the underworld. Titanos and uephoros were unable to escape. There were trapped for an eternity unable to be set free."

Luke and the reckoning of the new godsWhere stories live. Discover now