Staying busy

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Ravina decided to ignore the prisoner for a week before talking to him again even if that meant waiting to find her sister. There was no other way. A week shouldn't be long considering how long she had been searching for her sister already, but no matter what she told herself it was hard to just wait. Therefore she kept herself extremely occupied with her inventions.

She would go outside each time to test the new developments she made and then go back and try again when she wasn't satisfied.

"Your Highness, that is the farthest a spear has been shot. This is great." The soldier said.

"It is not," she disagreed calmly and went back to make another change. She came back outside again and asked the same soldier to try so he could see himself if there was a difference and understand what she was trying to achieve.

"Oh," he said watching the spear shoot into the air. "It has more force now."

Good. Then she was on the right track.

"There needs to be enough force so when it hits the dragon, it never bounces off their skin. They are flying and moving around. That also affects the impact."

The soldier nodded thoughtfully. He then turned to her with a smile. "Thank you for your hard work, Your Highness. Many less of us have died because of your developments."

She just stared at him. These kinds of situations made her uncomfortable. She gave him a curt nod and walked away.

"Ravina!" Suddenly her uncle joined her in the inventory. He would probably nag her about eating again. "Have you eaten?"


"Come. I came late so I am also eating now. Join me and I have something to discuss with you."

Ravina nodded and joined him for lunch. Her uncle had been dealing with the new prisoner while she ignored him, but he still wasn't able to make him talk. Ravina didn't even want to know what methods he was using. She had seen her uncle grow cold and cruel after her father's death. Now he was annoyed he couldn't get any information from his new captive.

Ravina had told him to not bother. With this one, they would have to try some new tactics. She also told him about her suspicion that the prisoner could have let himself get captured. Her uncle shared her suspicion but he was a step ahead. King Malachi could be doing this to cause a war. The dragons would not stay silent having their king imprisoned, so her uncle had spent the whole week equipping the castle even more.

"I have invited Lord Steele to join us at the grand dinner party." Her uncle began.

"Thank you," Ravina said.

She didn't want to get married but she knew if she wanted to be safe she had to. In this dangerous world, her uncle could die at any time and she needed a male protector. A man as adventurous and self-confident as Lord Steele would allow her more freedom than anyone else.

"You don't sound happy." He pointed. "Do you not wish to get married?"

"I do." She replied.

"Ravina, you can talk to me. I want you to be happy."

She looked up from her plate. He watched her pleadingly. Happiness? What was that? She couldn't remember the last time she smiled or laughed genuinely. She didn't live to be happy.

"I feel like I failed you by getting you involved in this. I know you want to fight our enemies and I have had great use of your developments. You have been a great help but I can't let you sacrifice yourself just so I can use your inventions."

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