Chapter Eight

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He was able to focus a bit better. Having gotten the ball rolling on settling his thoughts, he managed to get some work done. However, he'd already made up his mind, so, when two o'clock arrived, Alexander left his office, taking Carson with him under the guise of running business-related errands.

"Tell me again why Sarah isn't here?"

"She has things to do back at the office," Alexander supplied, ignoring the curious stare his best friend was shooting him. He knew he was caught in a lie, but he didn't much care since telling Carson the outright truth might result in him never living it down.

Carson's curious stare deflated and a taunting, knowing grin plastered itself on his face as Alexander parked the car on the side of the road, in front of a house-like structure, with two other cars parked out front. It was on the edge of a quaint neighbourhood bordering the city from which they had just come. The house was a two-storey building painted in light blue with white mouldings and framework, and windows on either side of a beautiful and intricately designed mahogany door with the top half covered with a stained glass design of a mother and child. The front yard was small, with a cobblestone pathway cutting through the center and leading to the front porch where there was a chair and a porch swing. On either side of the pathway were flowering plants.

Outside the gate was a sign with the words Children's Hope Foundation printed across it in fancy lettering.

"Business errands, huh," Carson taunted, already fitting the pieces together that Alexander wasn't truly here for business. He considered what Alexander had requested just that morning and figured that something might've happened to change his relationship with Vanessa for the better.

Why else would he show up to the headquarters of his wife's charity organization while trying to be so inconspicuous?

Carson followed after Alexander, a bounce in his step because for once, he was truly happy for his best friend. He thanked God for whatever change had happened between the man and his so-called unwanted wife because it hadn't appeared to Carson that the man was here for malicious intent.

"It really is business, you know," Alexander defended as they walked up the front porch and he rang the doorbell.

Carson raised an eyebrow. "Sure. I believe you."

Neither man got another word in when the door swung open, revealing a petite young woman who looked no older than nineteen. The girl's eyes grew wide, but she quickly shook her head and invited both men in, having recognized Alexander from all the magazines and that he seemed to forever be in the tabloids. The girl was well aware of who he was aside from the fact that Alexander Roche was one of the most powerful men in the city.

"How may I help you gentlemen?" The girl was rather professional. Soft and well-spoken, she graced them with a genuine smile that was different from the generic smiles you usually found in a corporate office in the city.

Probably because she works for charity, Alexander reasoned.

"We're here to conduct some business. Is there somewhere we can speak?"

Carson snorted and rolled his eyes, flashing Alexander and the girl a grin because he knew the true intention of the visit. For someone who had never once shown an interest in his own wife, or the things that seemed to be important to her, Alexander sure knew how to make an impression by going directly to the source of something Vanessa held dear and had obviously put a lot of time and effort into building.

"Of course," the girl said, beginning to lead them away from the foyer, "please follow me. I'll introduce you to Ms. Clara. She handles all of our business ventures and finances and is our business consultant in meetings with company representatives and investors."

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