Chapter Seven

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It was after ten at night, but he decided that talking to Daphne couldn't wait until a later time. So, once Vanessa had returned to her room after their conversation, he dressed and headed straight for the Stein mansion.

He hadn't called beforehand, and it was rare that he showed up at the Stein mansion unannounced without notifying Daphne of his arrival. But he had done so multiple times in the past and she was usually welcoming. Tonight, however, he received an unusual welcome.

Daphne was surprised when the live-in maid of their mansion came to her and announced that Alexander was there. She wasn't expecting him, and thus, told the maid to stall him whilst she made herself look slightly more presentable, dabbing her foundation makeup here and there. Once she was satisfied, she went to meet him in the lounge.

"Alex! What are you doing here so late? I wasn't expecting you."

"I thought I'd surprise you. Is that a problem?"

If there was any truth to what Todd Jones found, he was done playing the role of the fool. On top of that, Daphne was acting strange this night, as if him popping by unannounced at odd night hours was a new development in their three and a half years of being together.

She was also wearing makeup at 11:38 PM, which was strange to him since she had clearly been at home for some time.

Daphne giggled and rolled her eyes, waving her hand as if swatting away his words. "No. You just surprised me, that's all. Were you missing me?" Her words were playful as she placed her mobile down on the coffee table next to the glass of fizzy soda the maid had offered him.

"Not exactly. There's something I wanted to ask you." He winked, and Daphne giggled again.

"Really? What about?" Daphne's eyes suddenly lit up so brightly, and a huge smile pulled over her face as she clasped her hands together. "Are you taking another vacation? Are we going somewhere? Or doing something?" Daphne asked excitedly since she knew that each time he said such things, it was usually followed by an announcement that he'd booked them a trip to some exotic location, or that they were going to do something together, again, at some exotic or expensive location.

Alexander smiled, wondering why she had so quickly jumped to that conclusion, suddenly remembering some of the things Sarah and Carson said in the past about him spending unnecessary sums of cash on her and how she was most excited to go on expensive trips. He ignored it for now.

"Not exactly. I wanted to ask you about the tweet that started all the controversy. You know, the one you came to see me about."

Daphne's mind went momentarily blank and the only thing she could think about was why he suddenly wanted to speak of that again. She'd made it perfectly clear that her half-breed sister was to blame, and naturally, Alexander's blinded love would prevent him from finding out that Vanessa truly had nothing to do with it.

Daphne's mission had been clear from the moment she understood just how much trouble Vanessa's existence caused her and her parents. She needed to break Vanessa and make her realize that she was worthless, and not even worthy of the air she breathed. That half-witted, half-breed bastard girl did not belong in the lives of such elites.

So, Daphne believed to the core of her being.

She rolled her eyes and waved her hand, silently dismissing the topic. "We don't need to talk about that, Alex. I'm sure Nessie learned her lesson and that she's terribly sorry." Daphne's expression changed to a saddened one as she lowered her head, dark curls falling into her face as she peeked up at him. "You didn't do anything bad to her, right? I saw you hit her, and I'm afraid she might retaliate."

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