2. Idiot Friends

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We sit on the bus and headed to our collage.. After one hour we reach out collage ... I am already 20 minute late for my class .. We enter in university and parted our way.. Because I am the student of science and they are students of commerce ..This is our last year.. In collage ,I have three more friends ,they are my classmates Shivani,Archna , Sonu..

Shreya - "Akta Meet us after your class .."

Anjali - "yes Akta ,we will went home together.."

"Yes , we will.." I said..

Meena - "Ok call us when your class is over .."

"Ok.." I said and bid them good bye ..

I headed to my class and meet my friends Shivani and Sonu .. After lecture we decided to go canteen ..

"Where is Archna ? Why she did not collage today ?" I asked them ..

Shivani -" Her Parents Arrange her Marriage ,today her In low's are coming to see her .."

"Ok .." I said ..

Sonu - "when you are getting married ?"

"Me .. Nooo way .." I said with frown ..

Shivani - "Are you going to be single in your whole life .."

"Yes.. You can say that because I don't want to go to another's house ..I love my family so much I don't wanna leave them .." I said ..

Shivani - "But one day you are also going to marry and this is the truth.."

Sonu -" Ok guy's let's go.."

After having the snacks they come out of the canteen ..

Shivani - "Ok guy's , I am going home it's already 1:30 pm ..Bye"

"Bye .."Sonu and I said on unison ..

Sonu -" take care I am also going, Bye .."

I call Shreya to tell her that my classes are over ..

Phone Conversation Start

Me - "Hello Shreya my classes are over .."

Kaddu( Pumpkin) -" Ok ,we are coming our classes are also over ..By the way where are you ?"

Yes save her name as kaddu..

Me -" I am standing near to college gate .."

Kaddu - "ok wait there, we are coming.."

Phone Conversation End

Third person POV :-

Akta was standing there ..few minutes later her friends come ..

Akta - "let's go .."

Kshama -" Ok Com'on guys .."

They went to bus stand and wait for their bus ..

Meena - "guys it's already 2:30, we are waiting for bus since half hour.."

Anjali -" you are right ,I am very hungry.."

Kshama - "Yes, I am also tired .."

Suddenly the sky start getting dark ..

Anjali - "Looks like it's going to rain .."

Meena -" we can see this you dumbo .."

Anjali - "who is dumbo ? You are dumbo your friends are dumbo .."
She stop speaking when she found out what she is saying ..

Meena - "Haa Ha Haa See you are realy a dumbo Haa Haaaa~"

Akta - "ok stop , I think the will start soon we can't wait for bus .. Now we have to go home by taxi .."

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