Merthur AU chapter 13

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Oh my god. Ohmygod. Oh. My. God. OHMYGOD. This is really happening. Ohmygodohmygod. I'm not ready, but at the same time I've been waiting for this forever. I'm so scared and so excited. What if I do something wrong or stumble on the way out? Oh god, what he starts laughing saying this was all a prank and that he would never marry a nerd like me? I start mildly hyperventilating.

No, stop it, Merlin. You know that isn't going to happen. You love him and he loves you. Until the end of time, in fact. He said so only yesterday. I smile as think back at the moment; we were sitting on the couch making last-minute decisions for the wedding. Which is today, oh god. I take one last look in the mirror, admiring my white suit. Arthur wearing a black one; we'd agreed it would look good if I wore white and him black so it'll be a little contrast thinking about hair and stuff.

Seeing both mum and dad is in hospital barely remembering who I am, none of them would be glad to attend their son's gay wedding anyway, so I asked my only living-and-okay-with-homosexuality uncle Jeff if he'd walk me down the aisle. Since Arthur has no relatives still alive and 90 percent of my family despise gays, it's a pretty small gathering were having, mostly friends and not-so-good friends. But still, I am so nervous I think I'm going to piss myself any second now.

I don't think I'll regret this, though. I've heard about grooms and brides that already before marriage knew they were marrying the wrong person, but didn't say anything. Taking a deep breath, I give the sign to the pianist who starts playing the wedding theme immediately. I close my eyes, forcing my mouth to smile, though when I open my eyes, there is no need for fake smiles.

At the end of the aisle stands the most handsome, sharp-looking, happy, kind, beautiful, gorgeous, sweet, kind and overwhelmingly amazing soon-to-be-husband. He looks like he's floating on happiness, but when I get closer I notice that he has this desperate look in his eyes telling me that he is, thankfully as nervous as I am. That calms me down. Slightly.

Once I'm at the end, my uncle Jeff gives me away to Arthur who touches my hand so careful and delicate like he's afraid it's going to break and guides me up to the pretend alter with the pretend priest, I'm kind of glad he does so because I totally would have tripped if not.

I feel sweat fill my hands as I take a look at my best man, Will, who I've known since we were kids, I even kissed him once, and I feel a bit safer with him there to support me if anything goes wrong. Glancing over at Arthur's best man, Lance, I find Arthur relaxing a bit as well.

Only then I realize the fake priest has begun talking, and slightly panicking I look at Arthur who nods, both reassuring me that I haven't missed anything important and also reassuring me that he knows me well enough to marry me by one glance. Finally, after a whole lot of rubbish which probably all fake priests say, he says the thing.

"Do you, Arthur Pendragon, take Merlin Emrys, to be your husband, your partner, in thick and thin, in sickness and health, for richer, for poorer, until death does you apart?"

"I do."

For some reason I am so relieved he said that, and my eyes fill with tears. I don't even catch what the false priest says, but I know it's the same question.

"I do."

 The words slip out of my mouth without thinking about it or even hesitating one bit, I'm just so happy right now. I want to spring out of my mask and suit and throw myself over Arthur and kiss him so hard he goes blind. Then the priest says something I am never going to forget.

"If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

And that is when it happens. Will, best man and best friend, jumps up and shouts: "Stop!" I do not believe my own eyes or ears. What? Why? How could he do this to me? I look at Arthur; he looks just as puzzled as me. I turn around looking straight at Will, anger filling me. This was supposed to be Arthur's and my day. I walk up to him as close as I can get without being suspicious.

"What the hell, man? Do you have a problem with me or the man I love?" I utter as calmly as I can manage, which I am quite proud to say I mastered beautifully.

"Merly, I-"

I flinch at the nickname. It's Arthur's, not Will's. Well, Will used it first, but still I hate it when it comes from him.

"I love you, Merly. I've always done, and that time you kissed me? I freaked out and ran away because I was too shy to kiss you back, but I never told anyone, did I? No, because I love you so, so much. And when I think of you with him I feel like I might puke. I just can't stand it; to watch the one I love marry some random bloke."

"Then leave." I snap back at him without hesitating. I meet his blank and confused eyes. "If you can't watch it; leave. Or close your eyes, but I would prefer the former. If you wanted me to marry you instead of him, then you should have thought about that a long time ago, also not say I make you puke. You had your chance, Will, and you blew it. Now leave."

I stare at his hurt and sad expression, and for a split second I feel guilt, but then it's gone. I don't care if he envies Arthur, I don't care if he gets lost, I don't care if he dies alone and gay. I don't care. I am so angry. No one insults me or my husband like that, no one. And especially not my best man on my wedding day. Will half-runs, half-stumbles down the aisle, and I call after him:

"By the way, Will, the random bloke's name is Arthur and I love him."

I turn around, seeing a fake priest and a newly found puppy looking surprised at me. Arthur has that really sexy look on his face that I like to call the hey-that-was-pretty-offesive-and-I-should-probably-call-you-out-on-it-but-I-choose-to-ignore-it-cause-it-was-sexy-as-fuck-and-we-are-totally-fucking-right-after-this-look. This is one of the reasons why I'm marrying this idiot.

Thinking of that, I look at the pretend priest who seems to snap out of it and starts talking again.

"I now declare you husband and husband. You may kiss the husband."

Arthur looks like this is the moment he's been waiting for all his life, it probably is anyway, and he pulls me in for the longest and deepest kiss ever. The small crowd erupts into cheer and applause. This is the happiest I've been in my whole life.

By the way, I do not hate Will or anything, he just seemed like the perfect character for that. Hope you liked the chapter, leave a comment of what you think in the comments (duh), also thanks for reading, and hope you'll keep reading. :)

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