chapter 4

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we all are clambering through the vents for ages until we find an exit. we all rush out but aris seems to be hesitant
"you guys go on theres something i gotta do" he explains briefly.
"i'll go with him!" i say a little too quickly, and notice minho and newt exchange a look. they go on without me and i follow aris back into the vents.

we go through a series of vents that aris seems to know off the back of his hand, until we get to another exit. this one he climbs out of without hesitation, and without thinking offers me a hand to get out. i take it and try to ignore all the tingles going throughout my body, as this still was not the time for feelings.

we seem to get there just in time, as aris pushes a button and a door rises revealing my very scared friends and janson walking towards them. they all get through just in time and we take off, ready for our new life in the "scorch".

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