Nokukhanya (Chapter 29)

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Chapter 29

● Nokukhanya Ngwenya 

I need some rest.

I am tired, exhausted, and mostly annoyed. This baby hasn’t given me a chance to breathe, and the baby daddy yena together with his daughter are another story. I am a prisoner in my own house. Okay, I’m lying. I am a prisoner in Langa’s house. After all that drama and all the threats, I received from his fake wife we moved in together in a brand-new house that I choose myself, don’t look at me like that I am giving my children what I never had, a family.

I am so tired. After our doctor’s visit last week, he decided to put me on bed rest. This baby is so big for me I think he grows each and every day, Monica calls him the “Big Baby”, my feet? Ahh, where do I even begin? I’m lying on the couch busy browsing through the channels. Langa and his daughter went out to get me something to eat and they have been gone for so long now.

There’s a knock. 

“Sara!” I scream for our house help to come and see who is at the door. She was hired to keep an eye on me more than help around the house. She is a nice girl, but I think she got the hots to Lindokuhle which I think they will make beautiful babies should they ever decide to get it going. I prefer Sarah to that girlfriend of his who thinks the world revolves around her. When I first met her, I thought she was a nice girl but oh boy was I wrong. She’s a mean Bitch!

“Yes Madam?” She mocks me. I give her the look and she smiles.

“What is it Nokukhanya?” Now, I return the beautiful smile she just gave me.  I and her are almost the same age and her calling me madam makes and look and feel old. I’ve been telling her that I love my name and I like hearing people calling me by what my parents named me. I just love my name.

“There’s someone at the door,” I tell her and she frowns. Weird.

“What do you mean? There’s someone at the door. Did the security call?”  She asks going to the house phone to make a call. Do we have security? Why didn’t I know that?

I get up and follow her.

“Please go to your room. I need to check with Mr Gumede.”

“What’s there to check with Langa? Sarah what’s going on?” I watch her dial him.

“Sir there’s someone at the door… no… yes Sir… okay Sir…” I listen to the one-sided conversation between my baby daddy and my help. Who is this woman? I have been staying with her for the past six months yet at this moment I feel like I don’t even know her. She widens her eyes as if she sees something behind me.

When I turn to look back, Gunshot! And she falls next to my feet. I am too shocked to even blink right now.  The shot came unexpectedly. 

I wish they have told me I was in danger or something. Now there is someone lying next to me probably dead and pee running down my legs.

“Nokukhanya…  I told you I was going to get what’s mine.” She tells me. I should have let Langa murder this bitch that time yaz. Now look at me peeing at myself in front of her. 

“Move. I don’t want him to find us here. He needs to suffer first. Like I did.”

“Move where? I am not going anywhere with you.” I tell her. Langa should be home by now.

“Ooh yes you are.” 

“I would rather die.”

“You are going to die… just not now. I still need to get that baby from you. He is going to replace the one I lost. So, I need you healthy and strong till you give birth, then I will be moving in here and taking over your life. I will be raising your brats as my own and I will be the one sleeping on top of your man every night for the rest of our lives. He is going to love me like he loves you.” This woman is delusional

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