Nokukhanya (Chapter 16)

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Nokukhanya Ngwenya

Okay I didn’t mean to bang the door like that. I did not think the stupid glass will break. I always thought it was strong like those bullet proof glass, but I thought wrong, as always. ‘Ahh bitch what are you saying? You never think! You just react. That was a glass of cos it was going to break if banged. Seriously Khanyo why did you do that? Now he is definitely going to take her from us.’ My brain is going to drive me crazy. Does anyone who wants to swap brains with me because aai I can’t with this bitch.

After that tragic incident I just walked out of there with my head held right like I didn’t just cause a scene.
I make my way downstairs with all the preying eyes on me.

“Miss are you okay?” Babu’Mkhize, the security guard asks me. He reminds me of Bab’Duma, my landlord. Oh, how I miss my old life where life was simple the only worries, I had was paying my rent on time and school. And I miss Cindy, I hope wherever she is, she is happy. 

“Ndodakazi…” He says again because I wasn’t answering him just staring at him.

“Yebo baba. Wena unjani?”

“Ngiphilile. So, what happened ngaphakathi?” Ehh, so he knows also. How did the news travel from the fifth floor to here? ‘I bet it’s that bitch at the reception, she always had it for you.’ I must agree with my brain this time. That woman doesn’t like me, and I have never done anything to her. Oh well maybe unintentionally I didn’t but still that does not give her a right to meddle in my business.

“It was a mistake, baba. Indaba I was angry yabo and so instead of walking away I…”

“Nokukhanya!” I get cut off by the only voice that will kill me and heal at the same time. Slowly I turn and face the dragon that is my baby daddy.

“What the hell was that?” He screams at me.

“Langa please don’t scream at me.” I warn him. Who does he think he is screaming at me like this in front of all these people? I was respectful in enough with him and did it in doors not like this for the whole word to see. How old are we? Twelve? 

Aii man!

“DO NOT FUCK WITH ME YEZWA! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT??” He continues and I just walk away from him.

I can be very crazy as well and I hope he knows this. I mean he just witness me breaking down his down and the both of us acting crazy won’t be good for our daughter. I kind of feel sorry for my beautiful little princess, she has crazy parents.


When I get home, I finally think about what I did. That was some crazy shit I must agree, and this won’t look good on me if it gets to a point where we must go to court and fight for her. Langa must be out of his mind if he thinks I will let this go as much as he deserves to be part of her life, he cannot not just waltz in here and demand everything because he has all the money in the world. Before I lose my mind let me just go and fetch my daughter from her grandparents.

I open the exit gate and some idiot drives in on the wrong gate. I press the brakes immediately and watch this mampara as he storms out from his car to mine. All I’m doing is just watching from inside my car not like I’m not in a hurry, but I also have shit loads of problems that I’m going through and fighting someone else because they cannot separate between the entrance and exit gate is a problem I would like to avoid.

It’s him.

Why can’t this man leave me in peace mara heh?


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