The Start

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"Why not start with something genuine" said yukino everyone turn to her

"Why I thought you will choose that he said he would be with different girls" said yui

"Yeah but it would be best starting With something light" said yukino some annoyance seeing in her expression

"Well yeah then let's startt" shouting last part with isshiki joining her

"Well let's start" said everyone

That type I have only 3 story after we move on the some different and yeah sit here if you need food and water just say their name they would appear on the table

"You know there nothing here" said yukino but after saying that there wall appear out of nowhere and then seats and table appeared in front and everything turn black like therater they sat on the seats

So let's start ho and don't surprise there are some that you two never confessed to him or you three never met before service club

After that yukino and yui are slight shocked because of the words after that 'or' so they ready them selves

"Ne, ne rumi did you hear rumor" said some girl has golden hair

After hearing rumi they were slight shocked mainly those that were in that camp that help them

"Hey rumi that girl's name that senpai talk with when we call the elementary schoolers in the meeting for help" said isshiki some people covered their mouth in slight shock well it's a shock that hikigaya hachiman talk with people on his own

"No" said rumi
"Well you look intrested so I would leave you on your own, huh"with that she leave I am now in high school now so I didn't talk with anyone I am a self proclaimed loner of a school and a president of a service club really I am gonna talk but class gates opens and hiratsuka sensei came in

"Wait if there's hiratsuka sensei that means she study sobu high school and she's our clubs president" said yui

"But question that didn't that thing or some one said we are going to watch hikigaya and he is showing rumi in the school" said hiratsuka sensei reaisation hit her but didn't talk about it she sees everyone in the room everyone looks confused except one her former student haruno looks like she's smiling

"So class we are going to have a new Japanese teacher so welcome him, oy are you gonna slack of their come here and introduce yourself" said hiratsuka sensei who is she talking about her boyfriend nope,no that's not gonna happen I like to think but cut by opening a door a person with black hair wearing white shirt and black pant with a dead fish eye wait dead fish eye person that I know but before I could think another word word he decided to speak first

After a word dead fish eye came out almost everyone looked shocked because some didn't figure out yet

"Yo, names hikigaya hachiman your Japanese teacher nice to meet you, that it right should I add something more" said hikigaya but in everyone reaction changed they looked excited now

"Kids excited to see hachiman that's new" said hayama

"Yeah, I thought that they would be disgusted to see his eye" said hiratsuka sensei

"Kids excited to see hikigaya and his introduction that hilarious hahaha" you know who said that but don't know that's said by orimoto

"That guy never change" said saki

"What if there's hikigaya where is hayato where hikiyato I want to seeee" said ebina

"Shut up will'ya" said yumiko

"Hikigaya kun as a teacher that's intresting" said haruno to her self and some people are silent because of shock

Well everyone seems excited because of that name well he is popular indeed but I never thought I will see him again

"Wait hikigaya is popular but what because there is no reason he isn't handsome or anything" said yumiko

"Now that getting more interesting"said haruno more shock of every one

The reason he is famous is because of the starting is service club he help so many people in his time in service club but when komachi his little sister graduate from the high school some student getting their stuff from staff room and because of his club's reputation his club activity file in the corner of an eye that guy take it and after reading it he upload on the but yeah he got punished but that had been done after that the name of hikigaya hachiman is sound of a wild fire no one knows where he goes after but the question is what is he doing here but a guy take his hand upward to ask a question and hikigaya sensei allow it

The whole group really shocked

"Really his club activity file make him famous" said yui said in quite disbelieving manner looking towards everyone

"Well hikigaya has done some great thing in one year but how do you write it yukino san" said hayama

"Well every request up until now was mostly solve by hikigaya kun and his reports are like a story so I write it in a same manner" said yukino

"So no wonder he got popular" said haruno and hiratsuka sensei agreeing with it

"What is the meaning" asked yui and isshiki

"Well think about it up until now he done many things in different manner and he said his reasons to why he did it so it is most likely that made him famous" said hiratsuka

"But that rumi girl said no body knows after high school where did he go" said yumiko everyone think about it

"Why don't we watch it I am sure we will know it" said hayama

"Sensei are you really hikigaya hachiman one of the first member of a service club" said that boy

"Yes" said hikigaya sensei through he didn't look intrested in this talk

"Really, can you tell us where did you go after the high school" said that boy after that hikigaya sensei turn his head toward hiratsuka sensei

"You should really learn how to introduce yourself properly"said hiratsuka sensei, I agree with her

"Yeah, yea so on to the question  i gone to the-----"

AN: and that finish I will try to make another part a longer one so it really has not gone anywhere that long but yeah on to a next hope you like it I really have to make their reactions that long it was just a start so don't worry in 4 more chapter I will finish this story and go on the second one byy

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