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Yukinoshta yukino was sitting on her apartment's couch seeming chatting in her phone but after she opens her tv watching and looking quite pleased with herself

Yukino pov:-

I am watching tv but some before I texted hikigaya kun it has been 6 months we started dating and that was really fun but we have to focused on study good thing that we decided to meet now in a time after that we are gonna start study we were helping yui help since she's not good at study he gonna be here soon wait why I am excited because I am gonna do the first thing that couple do after they start dating a kiss yes he didn't even make a move to do it so I am gonna do that but before I could do some thing my room was starting to shine then suddenly everything disappeared

After some time when I started to open eyes I see some people they seem known but when I see clearly they were hayama group, yui, hiratsuka, and the girl from that council meeting that said to be hikigaya middle school friend orimoto wait there are more people komochi, isshiki and nee-san too what the hell is going on

"Huh, where are we" I ask and every turn to see me and the answer came that I didn't expect

"Don't know" that said everyone looking that was a whole white room the a voice came

Ho your here I guess with that I can finally start but looks like I have to explain first what's going on so long story short your going to see hikigaya different versions it's like your gonna see his multiverse some versions some with the girls here or some other girls so let's start

Don't know where that voice coming from but wait did he said different hikigaya kun with here girls or different damn why this is happening I don't know if I see him with different girl what I am gonna do ehhh but that the different hikigaya kuns so that not gonna happen in here so my relationship with him is safe huff

"So you said different girl to do why don't you also call them to see" I said

Ehh but y'know they don't even know him here so calling them is not gonna be so let's start

After saying that voice like it's vanish and furniture for everyone appeared out of nowhere we all settled everyone seem to lost on their thoughts so that voice spoke againn!

Ah forget to ask what you would like to some different story of hikigaya or with yourself's

And finish sorry this part is short but y'know I want your opinion to what you want to see which story first crossover story(they are made by me but didn't upload after watching some some of their so if you like I can upload them)or ship story or some without ships I have all prepared so comment down hehehe

oregairu in multiverse (Discountinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora