Chapter 3

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I gave Mama one last kiss on her forehead. "I promise, you'll get better soon. I love you."

Mama smiled at me with adoration. "I couldn't be more proud of you." She said. I squeezed her hand and looked back at her one last time before going out of her room. 

"Ready?" Dad asked. He was carrying my one and only bag while the rest of my siblings were anxiously waiting in the living room. Wren wore a grin on her face, Milo seemed disoriented, and Kelsie was blatantly sad. 

I nodded. "Let's go." Mr. Austin managed to get off work for today. He would be driving us to the Austin estate. It was a huge day for both our families. It was a huge honor to work for royalty, especially having the occupation of being a princess's lady. Almost everyone in our small town knew. 

As for me, I was still terribly scared and confused. I was leaving my family to go to the palace. On one hand, I should be excited. I would get to meet the royal family, live a life of luxury and never have an empty stomach. But I also had a sense of guilt. What if something happened while I was gone? What if Mama gets worse? A series of dark "what if's" flooded my brain like a tsunami. This was the best thing. I would still be providing for my family.

We reached the Austin's house, and there were already many unframiliar sleek, black cars parked out front. A few men in sharp suits were buzzing around like bees, making preperations. 

"Hello, there's our star!" Mrs. Austin made her way out of the mansion to give me a hug. I could tell by the huge smile plastered on her face that she would be playing the role of an overly nice and sweet mother. Not that I was suprised. 

"Hi." I shyly said, my hands behind my back out of habit. Suddenly, I remembered that it was likely royal officials were watching my every move. I straightened my posture and tucked a loose strand of my brunette hair behind my ear. 

A man in a suit cleared his throat. His shiny bald head shimmered a little in the bright southern sun. "Miss, we would like to have you at the airport as soon as possible."

"Of course," I said. "Anything I should do before we depart?" 

"No, Miss. Just get in the car in a timely manner." I nodded and turned to my family. Dad was heading over to a car to put my bag there.

I hugged Wren first. "I'm so jealous!" She whined in a playful way. "You're probably going to be royalty one day."

"Well if that's the case, then you'd be royalty too." I explained to her.

Her blue eyes lit up. "Really?" She jumped up and down. 

I nodded. "Really. 'Princess Wren' has a nice ring to it." I giggled.

" I'll send you flirting tips for the prince as long as you tell me all about practically being royalty." Wren bartered. "Deal?"

I laughed. There was no way I, a poor commoner that just got lucky, could fall in love with the prince of  Vertesia.

I smiled at her and hugged her one more time. "Deal."

I gave Milo a hug and he starting tearing up. "Don't cry!" I wiped his tears away. "Then I'll cry!" I exclaimed playfully.

Milo laughed a little, wiping away his tears. "Ok, I'm going to miss you." 

"I'll miss you, but soon you can start eating whenever you want!" I told him. "You won't have to worry about being hungry anymore."

"That woud be a dream come true." Milo remarked. I hugged him again.

I squeezed Kelsie really tight. "Goodbye, Kels." I said.

She whispered in my ear, "Can we get the barbie doll when we get the money?"

"Of course." I answered. One look into Kelsie's sweet, brown eyes 

I gave Cassandra and Toby a quick and awkward side hug and then moved on to Dad. "Bye kiddo, you'll do great."

"Thanks Dad, goodbye." I hugged him then got in the car. I prayed that everything would work out and everyone would be happy sooner or later.


"We've arrived, Miss." The chauffeur said. I had never been to an airport before, so everything was new and exotic. 

"Wow." I gawked at the moving stairs. They were fascinating to me. 

We passed security and then went to the private plane terminal. Apparently, most people fly on commercial airlines, but the Royal budget was higher than Mount Everest, so they could afford to send their new ladies in on private jets. 

We entered via a set of plush red stairs and into a beautifully decorated jet. There was a pilot, co-pilot, flight attendant, and a personal aid. "Welcome aboard." The pilot greeted us, tipping his hat.

I sat down at a seat that was facing another one, so two people could easily have a conversation.     The aid, who introduced herself as Molly sat down across from me. 

Once we took off, which was rather scary, we began having a conversation. "So, you must be Alice." She politely said.

"Yes ma'am." I responded, looking at the clouds outside the window. It was hard to believe how high up we were.

"Your application was very impressive." She remarked with a genuine smile.

"Thank you!" I beamed. 

"So to save you the stress, I have your routine. It will help you skip the training once you arrive at the palace, though, you will be given a tour."

"Alright." I placed my hands in my lap.

"So you and the other ladies' primary job is to entertain Her Highness. You will have similar treatment to those of the royal family in order for you all to preform to the best of your ability." 

I nodded. "Understood, Miss."

"At approximately eight o'clock every morning you will be awakened by your maid."

I interrupted her on accident. "Maid?" I sputtered. Realizing my mistake, I muttered, "Sorry."

Molly laughed it off. "You're fine. It always takes adjustment when a commoner moves into a rank with such luxuries." She explained in a humble manner.

I nodded. "I get that."

"Anway," Molly continued. "You will meet with Her Highness in the breakfast room every morning and eat breakfast with her. Then, Her Highness will select anything she may want to do that day and you all will accompany her if requested. If she does not wish for your presence, you are free to roam among the palace, as long as you don't venture into restricted areas." 

I absorbed what she said like a sponge. "Of course." I cleared my throat. "Do you have any books on rules, or proper, lady-like expectations?" I asked, wanting to know more about my position.

Molly looked suprise. "Such dedication!" She noticed. "Sure I do." She fished some out of her bag and handed them to me. 

I spent the rest of the few hours reading, skimming through books, and learning new things about what I needed to be like. Most of it was manners, but some was a bit more interesting, such as the history of the royals. 

The landing was just as nerve-racking as the take-off, so after being considerably frightened we faced the other airport and headed to the palace.

My new life was about to begin. 

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