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"Your father was a bitch, you can't change my mind." America finally said while standing up. Russia looked at him amused, and just shook his head.

"It's not like you are better." He whispered while flipping book to the next page. America stood suddenly and turned around slowly.

"What did you say, you son of a bitch?" He laughed. "Of course I am better than him. That's why I am still alive." Russia looked up from above his book. "Fathers notebook says something else."

"Listen, Ussr might be right when it comes to the things that he did, not when it comes to what I have done." America said while pouring himself water. "His point of view is much different from mine. He hated me, I hated him. I would talk bullshit about him every time I would have a chance and I am sure he did the same." He paused for a moment. "I don't think there was even one time when we didn't try to kill each other when we met."

"Weird..." Russia whispered to himself. America looked at him and smiled. "What was that?" He asked amused. He had great ears, he would hear much more then casual people and most countries. 

Russia got quiet, he seemed not sure about the thing he wanted to say. He closed the book he was holding and looked America directly into his eyes.

"Don't look at me that way, Its weird." America laughed and sat down on the couch, this time facing the other man.

"It's just... It's not true what you said." Russia said quietly. "His journal, he wrote there everything he thought about the world. Sometimes things he thought were very subjective but, he wrote there, that you were a good drinking buddy." Russia finally said it out loud.

America stopped smiling and looked down at the glass of water he was holding.

"I know what you are talking about." He said without any emotion in his voice. "But as much as I wish it didn't know, I do know." American took a deep breath and stood up. "I didn't thought your father was an alcoholic just because he looked like one." 

Russia looked at the other man not knowing what he was talking about.

"It was UK's Birthday. Canada made me come, even though I was totally against it. He invited all powerful countries, except your Father. Somehow he found out that Britan didn't bother to invite him. So, he just appeared there. Not wanted by no one, but there was no such brave country who would dare to try to make him go away. So he stayed. All night. I was hated, because Britan would talk shit about me and everyone believed him, and some story was with your Father. So for one night, we decided to not be enemies. The whole party we drank whisky, and we spend an awesome time." America finished. Russia just nod.

"Not many details." He said which made America laugh. "And I know how he found out. We both know." Russia said looking at him. It lasted not more than 10 seconds before America threw his hands in the air and began to laugh.

"Aw come on! If I was going to have shitty evening, I wanted to make it miserable for everyone else." He laughed. "And I did amazing job." He said proudly which made the other one laugh. American laid down on the couch and looked at laughing Russian.

"I get déjà vu you know?" He said quietly. The white-blue-red country looked at him surprised. "Normally, we would be trying to humiliate each other, but now, we are talking like we have been friends for years..." America whispered.

"It's odd, I agree." Russia nod. "But, I am having great time. Except the fact that Ukraine is under attack and that we would never even try to be friendly for each other if I didn't attack my sibling and your brother." He laughed quietly. "But I enjoy talking to you, It's very comforting." Russian said.

"Holy shit Russia!" America half yelled. "It's been only one evening mate, calm down." He laughed. "There are still 3 days ahead, but after that, why not? We can try being friends." He said while laying down. American put a blanket over himself and closed his eyes. Russia looked at him.

He didn't realise how lonely he was, until now. He enjoyed talking to his enemy, It meant he really missed other people. Except Belarus, no one would want to have anything to do with him. It was sad, the situation he was in. But somehow, because of that, turned out, that the bitch that he hated with his whole soul, wasn't as bad as he thought.

"Unbelievable." He whispered to himself.

"Shut up, will you?" American hissed. "I am trying to sleep here cunt."

Russia giggled at that insult. He stood up and stand in front of America, who had closed eyes. He leaned over him, but there was still at least 60 cm (two feet) between them.

"Don't get too comfortable you fucking capitalist." He said, which caused America to open his eyes. 

"Which part of 'shut up' you don't understand?" He asked annoyed.

"Get up, I am not letting you sleep on the couch again." He said while taking 'Americas' blanket. "There is guest bedroom upstairs." He added. This made the other man finally stand up. 

Russia was guiding him, while America followed. Before they went to the promised land, Russian also showed him were was toilet. After that, they came into quite big room, which had double bed in the middle. Whole place looked very old. Wooden floor made a creaking sound each step they would take. It smelled like spruce forest. It was very clean and neat.

"If you need something, call me." Russia said before leaving America alone in the room. He went back down, wanting to continue the lecture that he needed to stop because of the talk. But even though it was quiet, he couldn't really focus.

He was replaying the whole talk over and over again in his head. It was something new for Russia. Missing people, missing attention, missing talking and socializing. He felt very happy that he spent that evening with American. He really did enjoy it.

1049 words

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