Chapter 3

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The guests would be arriving soon. I dressed in a simple black fitting dress, hoping I looked presentable. This whole formal dinner ordeal reminded me of when I use to waitress at Rocco's restaurant. I felt like it was just another shift. I was in the middle of setting the table when Luca came looking for Betty.

"Angel, where is Betty?" Luca asked from behind. It was not lost on me that he called me "Angel" rather than Angela. I dismissed the choice of name and turned around to face him. He was looking devilishly handsome in his black dinner suit and slick back hair. I was momentarily stunned before I formulated a sentence.

"Ummmnnn..... Betty is in her room. I believed she informed you she will retire early for the night. She mention about aches in her joints. I guess the shopping, cleaning and cooking extorted her energy. Although, you shouldn't worry because I was a waitress, I can do it alone. I'm perfectly capable." I caught myself chattering. If I could reached my butt, I would kick myself. Of course, Luca didn't miss a beat. His aware he was making me extremely nervous. His once stoic expression was replaced with a sly smile.

"I wasn't worried, Angel. I just thought to inform you there has been a slight change of plans. One of the guest brought a plus one," he said with a hint of annoyance.

"That's fine. There is plenty of prepared food. I will just set up another plate," I said reassuringly. "Would that be all?"


Suddenly, the mood changed. His eyes travelled down my body before meeting my eyes. I took a step back, recognizing his expression similar to our morning's encounter. The look of lust in his eyes was overwhelming. He stepped closer until we were only inches apart. My eyes were now looking at his chest and I didn't dare look up.

"You look lovely," he said while his left hand cupped my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"T...tha...thank you. You...umnn.. look good as well." I was stuttering from the close proximity. Without warning, his right arm encircled my waist bringing our body closer to each other. Then, he nestled his face on the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply. He was so tall, he almost had to carry me for it to be possible.

"You smell divine too. I wonder if you taste just as good." I gasped in surprised when he lick the sensitive part where my neck and shoulder met. I tried pushing him away but his strength over powered mine. Captive in Luca's embrace he whispered in my ears. "If I was a good man, I would tell you to run. If I was a decent man, I would tell you to stay away. If I was a fair man, I would tell you your options. Too bad for you, I'm none of the above. Lucky for me, I'm none of the above." My whole body stiffened at his words. I leaned my head back, our faces only a breath away.

"What do you mean by that?" Luca caressed my cheek, distracting me from thinking straight.

"I'm letting you know I'm not a good person, my Angel. I feel an attraction to you and I will act on it. When I do, you will give in because I won't give you any other choice."

"You're attracted to me?" I swallowed nervously although my mouth had turned dry.


"Why can't you let it be my choice?"

"I frighten you. You're so pure and innocent. If you knew half the things I've done, you would bolt."

"What have you done? Who are you really?" Luca ignored my questions and released me. I felt cold at the loss of heat from his body. Luca stood back, his stance cool, calm and collected. Meanwhile, I feel like collapsing.

"You should set up the third plate. Guests will be here in a minute." He acted like nothing happened. "I will be in my office. Please greet the guests and bring the two gentlemen to me. The plus one can wait in the living room. We will start dinner after we converse shortly." And with that he turned and left.

A/N: Sorry this was too short but I didn't want to unnecessary drag the plot as much as possible. Let me know if you any suggestions for improvement. I think there is room for more in here. Maybe a dialogue but I couldn't possibly think of what. PS Do you think this is going too fast or is this actually interesting?

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