Love to Hate me

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~Oh I don't know why she's just my type~

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"Please take a seat beside Akito." the teacher said.

You took a seat beside the ginger male, side-eyeing him. Meh- Whatever, you could live with him I guess.

He turns to study you, "I've never seen you around before.. You new here?" He says with a certain charm.

That charm does not work on you.

"Uh- No? Not new..."

He looks a little taken aback. Must be the first time his nice guy act didn't work on someone. He just shrugs and turns back to face the teacher. Meh.

You study him from your peripheral vision, keeping a mental note about how his piercings look unbelievably attractive on him.

Plus 1 point.

But he sounds like an asshole.

Minus 1 point.

You couldn't care less though, its not like he's gonna play some major role in your life.

You turn your focus back to the teacher as your mind wandered to An making you perform with her at Weekend Garage tonight. Its been a long time since you let your childhood bestfriend just sweep you away with her excitement. You just returned yesterday and she already wants you play with her..

Well... you did remember An saying something about her and Kohane joining.. What's their name again? Bad dogs? Or something like that. You don't really know. Maybe she'd be able to surpass Rad Weekend with them.

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The day went by without a hitch, but your tablemate seems to not like you for whatever reason, but I mean its not like you had to like him too.

You slung your backpack across your shoulder and waved goodbye to some of your new friends in class before making your way to a park An said she would meet you at. She wanted to treat you to lunch and do some practice before the event.

Time flew by as you guys chatted and practiced, An had really buzzed some life into you. Soon, it was time for your performance.

"You've definitely gotten way better... Might even be better than me so don't worry! Come on~ You promised me that you'd do it~" An tugs your sleeve and pulls you gently towards the stage. You nervously laugh as you walk towards the stage. God you hate how jittery you get right before you perform. You didn't want to get hurt again.

It's alright.

I can do this.

I've done this before. It's just one more time.

You take a deep breath and bit the inside of your cheek, summoning ever bit of confidence in you.

"Alright. Let's get this thing started!" You glance at An, with determination in your eyes. Clutching the mic with shaking hands, you lift your chin and put on a smirk with false bravado. You took powerful steps onto the stage, with An leading you.

As the background started playing, you fell into the rhythm as you start to feel your jitters go away slightly.

Muscle memory takes over as you move in sync with An, both your voices making your heart pound. Its been so long since you had such fun.


He looks familiar.

Your eyes were scanning the room when you noticed someone who looked like someone you knew. You couldn't really put a finger on it. He was standing beside another boy with two toned hair.

Why does he look slightly...

Pissed? Huh?

At me?


You briefly make eye contact with him and you quickly glance away, suddenly very aware of your nerves again. Your voice falters a little but you pick yourself back up.

The song ends, both of you panting, but you couldn't stop thinking about that boy.

Hold on...

He looks like that table partner I have.


No way.

Before you could fully recover from the shock, An pulls you backstage, clearly excited about something.

"THAT WAS SO SO GOOD! Also I want you to meet Vivid BAD SQUAD! You already know Kohane but we have 2 other members, I'm so excited for you to meet them!" An's basically bouncing off her toes at this point.

"I- Wait- Hold on-" You stuttered, trying to calm An down and sort out your thoughts.

She continues to pull you along back into the café, "Let's go! No time to lose!"

You let An drag you around until she abruptly stops.

"This one here is Akito and the blue haired one is Toya! They're my teammates!"

An side steps to reveal the two boys you spotted in the crowd just now.

Wow. Of course. What are the chances.

Your table mate being your best friend's band mate?

Really. What are the chances.

"Oh it's you." Akito says, "You looked scared to be on that stage. Do you even have what it takes?"

"Akito. Don't-"

"What... on God's green earth are you talking about?" You stare at him incredulously.

"I heard you wanted to surpass Rad Weekend.. But what resolve do you even have?" He looks pissed.

What? The? Hell?

"What kind of gossip are you even listening to? Those of 2 years ago? What on earth are you on? That was 2 years ago mister, get your facts straight." You spat. You didn't really want to dig up the past. Akito looked a little stunned after getting such a strong reaction from you. An had her hands on her hips, with an I-told-you-so look on her face aimed at Akito.

Ugh. You didn't want to do this right now.

You walked out of the café leaving the two boys behind with An trailing after you.

I am so ready to make this an enemies to lovers

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