Chapter 5

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Uraraka's POV
I decided that I couldn't just watch them take Deku away from me, so I made my way over to them. "Hey, Deku!" I greet him, smiling. He looks up at me. "Hi." Was all he said, before resting his head on Shigaraki's shoulder! I watched in anger as Shigaraki smiled and pulled him closer. I swear he smirked at me as he did this. "What do you want, Pink Cheeks?!" Bakugo glared at me. "I just wanted to talk to Deku." I say, before turning back to Deku. "Is there something important you need to tell me?" He asked. "Well.. I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime..?" I asked, hopefully. I watched as he slightly frowned. Everyone was watching him, waiting for an answer.

Shiggy's POV
I look at Izu, waiting for him to answer. He had a small frown on his face and judging by the looks of it, he seemed to be thinking of a way to let her down gently. "Um... I'm sorry, Uraraka-San, but I just don't see you that way. I hope you understand!" He looked as if he felt bad. I look over at the the floaty brat. She didn't seem happy. "Why? Is it because of these stupid villains?!" She practically screamed. We were all taken aback by this. "W-what-? No! I just don't see you like that." He tried to reason but she shook her head. "Then.... I'll just
deal with the villains. Then you'll change your mind!" She said, glaring at me. 'What did I do?' I silently questioned. I notice Katsuki open his mouth to say something to her, but before he got the chance she stormed off. "Uh.... Okay?" Dabi muttered. "That just happened." Shoto said. Izu sighed beside me. "I don't think this is gonna end well." He shook his head. I chuckle. "Sooo, Deku, you and Crusty huh." Katsuki said, smirking. Katsuki, Shoto, and Dabi looked at us. "Oi, I'm right here!" Dabi exclaimed, frowning. Shoto looked at him. "You like Izuku?" He asked him. "Well- it's complicated..?" Dabi told him, wording it more like a question. "Well, IcyHot, c'mon, let's go to bed. I'm tired." Katsuki said, grabbing Shoto's hand. We watch as the pomeranian dragged him away.

Izuku's POV
Kacchan and Shoto left the room, leaving me, Shiggy, and Dabi alone in the common room. "So.. um do you guys want me to show you where your dorm is?" I ask, awkwardly. "Sure." Dabi shrugs. I get up and lead the two down the hall and into a room. We notice Himi sleeping peacefully on one of the two beds. "Here you are." I say. "Why are there only two beds?" Shiggy asks. "Dunno. Guess you'll have to share." I look at him. I notice Dabi smirking. "That's fine." He says, putting an arm around Shiggy's shoulders. I smile at them. "Well, I'm gonna go get ready for bed in my dorm so I'll see you guys tomorrow." I start walking but was stopped by Dabi grabbing my wrist with his other hand. "Wait, why don't you stay in here?" He asked me. I look at him. "Where would I sleep though?" I ask, confused. Shiggy seemed to catch on to whatever Dabi was talking about and grinned. "With us." He told me. I felt my cheeks heat up at the idea of it. "Oh, u-um, sure I guess." They seemed happy. "Just let me go run to my dorm to change and I'll be back." I say, before leaving the room. I quickly walk into my dorm and change into some pjs before heading back. I tried to calm down a bit. I mean, it's not the first time we shared a bed during a sleepover, it's just now I know I have a major crush on both of them.

3rd Person POV
Shiggy made his way to the bed and laid down. He looked at Dabi. "What are you doing?" He asked, as Dabi stood by the door. "Waiting for Izu." He said. Then the door opened, and Izuku stepped inside. "Hi, guys." He said, sheepishly. "Hey, c'mon." Dabi said, picking Izuku up, earning a squeak from the smaller boy. Dabi chuckled and carried him over to the bed, laying him down next to Shiggy. "Really?" Shiggy frowned at Dabi. "Leave me alone. His reaction was worth it." He said, turning off the light before climbing into the bed, leaving Izuku in the middle of them. Shiggy happily pulled the blanket over them and looked at Dabi. He glanced at Izuku then back to him. Shiggy knew what he meant by this and nodded. The two both scooted closer to a Izuku and cuddled him. Izuku's eyes widen a bit, not expecting this, but he relaxed and allowed it. He eventually fell asleep, happy to have his two best friends/crushes, back with him. Meanwhile, Shiggy and Dabi were glad to have their little broccoli back.

Idk how to end this so I'm going with that. Also, sorry this took so long to update but I hope you like it!

Edit: I just realized that in the previous chapter I said that it had been three weeks since they joined and in this chapter that they seen the dorm they were staying in for the first time so just sayyyy idk maybe the dorm just got finished being prepared(?) for them and they've been sleeping on the couch or something idk. Bare with me here 😭

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