Chp. III

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Two weeks after the Forbitten Woods incident, A-Ri finally got to go home with her brother, A-Lan.

Since that day, A-Lan has been very protective of her. Making sure she's okay, if she wants anything, going everywhere with her, basically being her bodyguard.

It's starting to weird her out.

Even her friends are starting to do it, including her own boyfriend.
One of these moments happened today at the Library.

"Guys seriously, you don't need to follow me around. I had to convince A-Lan to leave the house by myself." A-Ri said as she picks out a book with Addison and Zed.

"Look, we just want to make sure that doesn't happen again." Zed told her.

"I understand but I'm fine." The alien said to her friends with a sigh.

As she looks around for another book, A-Ri got the feeling that someone was watching her. She turns around and saw a familiar face looking at her until he put a book up to cover his face.

A-Ri smiles as she walks over to him and grabs the book from his hand.

"Baby, if you want to hide yourself from me, at least have the book not upside down." She said as she hands him back the book to her boyfriend, Wyatt. He laughed nervously with a smile.

"Hide from you? Never! How can I hide from a cutie like you." He said as he leans against the shelves, trying to play it off.

"Let me guess, A-Lan told you to watch me." She said, raising a eyebrow.

"What?! N—Yeah, he did. He said that you need protection and I agreed." The wolf said honestly. The alien girl sighed.

"Wyatt, I don't need protection from anyone. I'm 17 years ago, well, technically I'm 117. But, I can take care of myself." She said as she places her hand on Wyatt's shoulder. The wolf sighed.

"I know you can, Stardust. We just want to make sure you don't hurt yourself again." Wyatt said with worry in his eyes.

"All I had was fall down a hole."

"A hole 40 FEET down! And you fell again and hit your head, ending up in the hospital!"

"Touché, but still!"

"Baby, I just worry about you. That's all." Wyatt said as he places a kiss on A-Ri's forehead. She chuckled and looks up at him.

"I thank you Wyatt, but I'm okay." She said as she kisses Wyatt's cheek, making him smile softly. A-Ri smiles back at the wolf and walks away to a different bookshelf.

"Wyatt! What's up, my man!" Zed yelled as he puts his hand on Wyatt's shoulder. Wyatt looked over his shoulder and growled loudly, making Zed jump. Wyatt's eyes widen.

"Zed! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that." Wyatt yelled, rubbing his eyes.

"Dude, are you okay? For two weeks, you and the werewolves have been on edge." Zed asked, concern for his friend.

"Yeah, We're fine. We're just tired." Wyatt told his friend. Zed puts his hand on the wolf's back.

"Listen, if you want to talk, I'm here. Always. Come one, let's find our amazing girlfriends" The zombie said, smiling. Wyatt chuckled softly and nodded.

Red Moon (Zombies 3: Wyatt Lykensen BOOK 2) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now