Chp. II

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"So, have you guys come up with Human names yet?" Zed asked the aliens, which they nodded as the group walks around the Forbitten Forest.

"Yes! My human name is Ariana Starre, A-Lan's name is Alan Starre since we're siblings, A-Spen's name is Aspen Starlette, and A-Liz's name is Ali Steorra We all chose our last names to be similar to Star since we're aliens." A-Ri told him with a smile.

"That's pretty good names. It even goes with your alien names too." The zombie said, smiling at A-Ri.
"Thank you Zed! By the way, what are we looking for anyways?" A-Li asked. Eliza smiles.

"For anything that can be a souvenir that we can bring for college, so we can remember Seabrook while we are gone." The zombie girl told her.

"Oh, that's makes sense. Man, I can't believe we're going to college now. I know we've only been here for a few months but I feel so old already." A-Lan said, chuckling.

"I agree. I'm feeling the emotion of excitement for Mountain College." A-Spen said, smiling.
"I know right! Just a few more weeks and our new life begins!" Wyatt said excitedly. As the group continues to talk amongst themselves, the chattering stops as A-Ri's voice fills with screams as she falls down a massive hole within the earth.

Falling at else 40 feet.

"A-Ri!" The group yelled as they looked down the hole and saw nothing but pitch black.

"Baby, are you okay! Say something!" Wyatt yelled.

"I'm okay! Just landed on my butt! It hurts a lot!" She yelled back, making Wyatt chuckle. Yeah, she's okay.

"A-Ri, look for your flashlight! We'll find a way to get to you. Just hang tight!" Willa yelled down to her.

"Okay!" She yelled as she groans in pain and gets up. She shakes the dust off of her hair and clothes and turns on her flashlight. She was amazed to see it was a underground home. Although everything looked old and dust.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" She asked as she walks around the house, pointing the flashlight at everything she sees.

A-Ri point the flashlight at a massive table. She walked over to it and saw 'BW' craved into the table, which make her curious.

As she investigates the house, she begin to hear what sound like voices and movement.
A-Ri listens closely and followed the sound upstairs to one of the rooms.

"We told you no more killing people, Violet!" A-aro heard a young man yelled, angrily.

"Oh, come on, Ventus! It's not my fault that human blood are so delicious." A young girl yelled back.

"You need to be more careful next time or else we'll get caught by humans and burned to dust!" The man yelled as A-Ri heard his loud footsteps.

'Turn to dust? Human blood? What does this mean?' A-Ri thought as she pressed her ear against the door, gently. Trying not to make a sound.

"Okay, okay! I'll be more careful! I didn't asked to be a vampire in the first place! You made me this way!"

"You made that choice when you followed Vada and I back to the Mansion!"

Red Moon (Zombies 3: Wyatt Lykensen BOOK 2) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now