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I walked to my room and went into my bathroom. I started the bath and turned on music. I got in and drank my coffee. A few minutes later I got a FaceTime call from ace. I answered making sure not to show anything.
Ace:Hey hurry up cause we're going to the store in like ten minutes
Y/n:Ugh fine
Kristian:Hey flash your tits!!
I hang up and wash my hair and everything. I get out and put on my sweats and a tank top. I put on mascara and some slides. I grab my phone and purse. I walk downstairs and see ace and Jackson making a tiktok. Vinnie was over by the kitchen and he was getting food. I walk over to him and he was looking in the fridge. I slide under him and grab a Diet Coke. I hear him murmur something to himself and I look at him.
Vinnie:I mean are you trying to get guys to look at your boobs? You look like a slut.
Y/n:And what's it to you? Maybe I wanna look like a slut.
Vinnie:We'll I don't wanna see you crying when people start calling you a slut
Y/n:You already do so why would it matter
He was towering over me and he looked like he wanted to punch me.
Vinnie:You should be glad that I know better than not to hit woman or sorry sluts
Y/n:Hit me I fucking dare you.
Vinnie:you know I have swords right?
Y/n:You know I have multiple guns in this house right?
Vinnie:Yeah like what
Y/n:Two Glock 19, AK-47, combat shotgun
Vinnie:Oh yeah? Do they know abt this?
Y/n:Only Thomas
Vinnie:God you couldn't kill someone
Y/n:Rlly cause no one in this house could step up a murder. You do realize I was shot when I was 16 right?
Y/n:Right in my left leg
Vinnie:God you are so full of shit!!
He walks off and puts a hoodie on.
Thomas:Ok everybody who's coming we're leaving now!
I walk out and get into Jacobs car. I get in the front seat and Vinnie, Paige, and Bryce were in the back.
Vinnie:Why is that I'm the biggest out of everyone in the back and I get the smallest seat??
Bryce:So I can put my hand on your thigh.
He then proceeds to put his hand on his thigh and starts rubbing it.
Vinnie:Bitch get your hand off my thigh
Bryce:Ok I'll put it on your dick
He grabs his hand and my phone buzzes. I saw a text from this guy I was talking to. I met him at Starbucks and his name was Jess.
(I'm watching Gilmore girls rn and I couldn't think of a name💀💀)
Jess:Hey wanna hang out tonight?
I smile at my phone and Jacob looks at me.
Jacob:What are you smiling at?
I text him back saying yes and that he can come over.
Jess:Ok text me whenever
I smile at my phone and I feel everyone look at me.
Paige:Who are you texting?
Y/n:No one
Vinnie grabs my phone and starts reading out the text.
Vinnie:Some guy or girl named Jess?
Jacob:Wait are you gay?
Y/n:I'm straight! And I met this guy at Starbucks and he asked for my number and I said yes so we started talking
I say grabbing my phone back.
Y/n:God you guys are so fucking annoying
I go on Instagram and go through my dms.
Jacob:Ok we're here
We get to target and we all get out. I walk by Paige and she says
Paige:I have something to tell you but you can't tell anyone!
Paige:Ok so I like Jacob
Y/n:You didn't think I already knew that??
Paige:is it that obvious??
Y/n:Hell yeah
I laugh and she sighs
Paige:Great he probably know
Y/n:Are you kidding? Jacob is too dumb to notice
We laugh and go back up with the boys. We meet up with Thomas and them and I walk with Mia and Paige. We walked to the food and Thomas was filming.
Thomas:Ok so we're in target and there's the girls. So wait what do we need from here?
Mia:Dog food
Y/n:Dogs actually suck
Bryce:No they don't!!
Y/n:Yes they do!! They bark and jump up on you and they shed so much.
Vinnie:Ok this is the only time I'm gonna agree with her bc I'm not a huge dog fan but cats are better
Y/n:Exactly!!! Cats are the best!
Thomas:That's why I got you hera Vinnie
Vinnie:Bc cats are better
Thomas:No dogs are better

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