Chapter 5

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Cece P.O.V

Ben led me around the venue until we got to the party. All the bands were there and all the roadies. We walked around dancing, drinking, and talking to everyone. Eventually I lost Ben and when I found him he had a random groupie wrapped around him. I shrugged and stumbled off drunk.

"Hey, Cece!" I looked over at where Kellin was walking towards me.

"Quinnasaurus!" I cheered and hugged him.

"You are drunk." he chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Come on, back to the bus." he said and grabbed my hand. I followed him quietly back to the bus.

We got on and he took me back to the bunks. "I wanna stay in your bunk." I said and hugged him.

"Why?" he chuckled.

"Cause Ashy is mad at me." I said and looked down.

He sighed and helped me into.his bunk which was on the top. "Night Cece." he whispered as I fell asleep.

Ashley P.O.V

I smirked as Cece walked away from Ben who was kissing some random girl. She had been flirting with me and then I noticed Ben who was drunk. I suggested she talk to Ben and she did. I did it just so she would be alone. I didn't want her with anyone else. The Kellin walked up and drug her off. Fuck! I started to follow them but then Jayy Von was talking to Ben. Ben pointed at me then Jayy was stomping towards me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Purdy?!" he growled.

I shrugged and tried to leave but he grabbed my arm. I looked up at the tall man holding onto me and glared.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Why did you do it?" he asked.

"Do what?" I replayed innocently. He glared at me then started to drag me away. We ended up back at the BOTDF bus where they were all waiting.

"What's going on?" Dahvie asked.

"This dumb ass!" Jayy yelled and pointed at me. "Talked a drunk Ben, into another girl, and Cece saw them. I had Kellin take her back to the bus."

"You did what?!" Jey asked.

"I didn't want them together." I mumbled and looked down. I don't know why they were over reacting.

"Oh god, this is bad." Aussie muttered.

"Why? Its not like anything happened, she just saw them kissing." I said.

"No! What she saw, was another man treat her like shit. Dammit Ash, I told him to take her because it would help her. She doesn't trust guys as it is." Jayy glared at me.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

Jey stood up and grabbed my arm and drug me back towards the bunks. She turned back to me with a sigh.

"She was raped Ashley. She had a boyfriend, he abused her and treated her like shit. He would tell her he loved her and make out with other girls in front of her. Then one day he got pissed and raped her. He beat her almost to death. She was in the hospital for almost a month recovering. She doesn't trust guys anymore, she wouldnt even talk to the guys for weeks after we all met. I'm surprised she talked to you when you met at Rock on the Range."

I stared at her,"But, she doesn't act like it. On the bus and stuff."

"She acts differently because she's ashamed. She thinks it's her fault and she's afraid it will happen again. I can't believe she hasn't panicked staying on a bus full of men."

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