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Last night Taehyung asked me and Lisa to sleep silently in our rooms so that Dad does not suspect us. I was awake for most of the time. I wanted to know if Tae, Jk and their comrades are all okay. But after some time I couldn't help but fall asleep. In the morning the first thing I asked Taehyung was about his little mission. I was very happy on receiving a positive response. Right now I was lying in his arms.

"So, are you planning to kill JUNHOO, today ?" I asked.

"Yes baby. I'll get it done today itself. After that we can live a very good life. Just like all the normal couples do." He said kissing me on the forehead.

"Are you going to go there by yourselves ?" I asked holding his hand tightly.

"Yes baby. Don't worry I'll not be alone. I'd have Jungkook and my comrades with me." Tae said slowly getting up from his position.

"I don't want you to go. I'm scared. I can't bear the thought of losing you." I said grabbing his hand.

"I'll be okay Jen. Nothing will happen to me. I need to get my sister's revenge myself and I can't throw my brother and my comrades in danger again and again. Tae-min already got hurt yesterday. So just trust me. I promise I'll be back." Taehyung said slowly removing my hand from his.

"Pinky promise." I asked.

"Pinky promise." He said entangling our pinky fingers.

"Now I'll go take a shower. You sleep for some more time. Me and Jungkook have some discussion to do after which we'll go on our hunt." Taehyung said and went into the bathroom.

"God. Please keep my baby bear safe. I'm counting on you." I said talking to God.

I tried sleeping again but my phone rang and disturbed my sleep.

"Hey Kai, what's up ?" I said seeing Kai's name on the phone screen.

"Hey Jen. Actually I was planning on proposing Krystal today itself. I needed some tips on how to do it and what to gift her. I also tried contacting Lisa but her phone seems to be busy." Kai said without taking a pause.

"Okayy sure. I'll be more than happy to help you. So tell me, what do you want me to do ?" I asked.

"Can you come over ? We can discuss everything at my house." Kai said.

"Yeaa sure. I'll be there in half an hour." I said and hung up the call.

I quickly went to the other bathroom of our room. Took a super quick shower and got ready. Taehyung was still in the shower. He really took a lot of time in there. I wonder what he might be doing.

Before going I thought that I'd write a note to Taehyung so that he wouldn't worry about me. If I tell him I'm going to Kai's place he'll definitely be very worried. I can also go there and see if his Dad is still there to help Tae with his plan. If there is any trouble I'm sure Kai would help me out.

Hey baby, I'll be going to the convenience store to buy some groceries. I'll be home by the time you guys leave for your mission. Till then take care and keep missing me.

                                  - Love Jennie.

I wrote a note, placed it on the table and left for Kai's house.

After a while, I was in front of the gate of Kai's house that's when I started having second thoughts. Should I go in ? Or should I not ? Taehyung will be mad if he finds out that I lied to him. But I also wanted to help Kai after all that I've done to him this is the least I can do. Also I can help and give Tae some information about what's going on too. I finally pressed the door bell.

 🔥 DANGEROUS LOVE 🔥( A Taennie FF ft. Liskook ) Where stories live. Discover now