2. Windchimes

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The two crossed two cattle guards and a rickety wooden bridge, winding closer and closer to the towering peaks. When Jungkook was beginning to wonder how far they were going to go, he stopped next to a stand of pine trees at the base of the foothills. "Why does this mountain seem like it's getting farther away from us the more we walk towards it?" He complained, feeling the sweat percolating on his forehead.

"I don't know. Maybe there is some bad mumbo jumbo there. Let's go back. I will walk you back home and we can still make it in time for new year's feast," Jimin coaxed from behind Jungkook while stopping with him as the latter speculated the surrounding. "Now that I am acquainted with the prince, I can get an invitation too."

"What makes you think I will invite you to a dinner party?" Jungkook arched his brow at Jimin.

"I risked my life to pick fruits for you," Jimin replied, aghast at the perfidy.

"That accounts for one small crystal," Jungkook dug out one from his sleeve. "Here you go. This is your reward."

Jimin stared at Jungkook's hand. "I don't care about money." He revolted. 

"Then what do you care about?" Jungkook asked, widening his eyes with keen interest.


"Does virtue feed you well?" Jungkook asked, putting the crystal back in his sleeve pocket.


"What about other times?"

"I have my berries."

Ignoring the simper, Jungkook turned concerned. "I am tired and I am pretty sure there is magic here. We have been traveling for days and nothing happens."

"Take this off," Jimin suddenly held Jungkook's sleeve.


"And wear this," he pulled out from his bag and offered a tunic similar to his, only it was pink in color and was much softer.

"When did you get the bag?"

"I had it when since we started the journey."

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did. You never noticed."

"Maybe," Jungkook thought there was something wrong with his head too as he spaced out. Shaking out of it quickly, he looked at Jimin's stunning face. "But I have never worn such clothes. I don't know how would a prince look like in them."

"Still a prince."

Impressed by the gorgeous' repartee, Jungkook bit back his simper." Okay. Take a walk ahead."

Jimin wanted to stay, but he knew he shouldn't, so he slipped away, looking around for something and giving the prince some privacy to change. 

Jungkook found him in a bit, sitting over a tree branch that wasn't very high up from the ground. Jimin was scratching something and letting the scrap fall on the ground.

"Why are you littering?!" Jungkook yelled, looking up at him with curious, wide eyes.

Jimin felt a jolt of gravity and almost fell when he saw Jungkook in a pink tunic. As he managed to land on his feet, a puff of dust rose from beneath his shoes and caused Jungkook to cough out, holding his stomach.

When the younger finally subdued, he tilted his head, looking at the pumpkin crown that Jimin was carving with bare hands. There were three fireflies sitting on top, glowing audaciously. The blue-haired male offered it to Jungkook. "Here's your crown, prince."

Beaming beautifully, the brunette curtsied for Jimin to crown him.

The smiles and laughter the two shared made them warm up to each other. While Jimin was at the advantage of knowing the prince, Jungkook didn't know anything about Jimin, except what the man had told him. He still found himself trusting him. They continued walking while sharing anecdotes, playing with each other like they were best friends, and the night fell upon them.

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