Chapter twenty-two

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Valerias sight

Back home I unpack my bags and then get back in my car to drive to my shop. Lily took care of it of course and because she is doing so good I want to ask her if she wants to stay. Her internship is almost done and I like having her around and she is really helping me a lot. „Hey Lily, I am back again." „Hey, how was your time in Belgium?" „Very good. Thank you for talking to me and brainwashing me." She starts laughing. „Of course, that's what friends are for." I nod. „Yes that's right." Lily is one years younger than me but we get along very well.

Four months later

December. My least favourite month of the year, looking at all those festive days. When it is snowing, I love the December because I love the winter but not the other things that come with this month. Even though many other people like it, for me it is a horrible time. I never really liked all those festive activities and we also never really celebrated it that much at my adoptive parents house. These last few months I have met up with Lando a lot and we have become best friends over this time, when we weren't it before. It was a fun and calming time. We explored things around Woking or London and also took a trip up to Edinburgh. I have always wanted to go there and so he drove up to Edinburgh with me. I don't really know if it just friendship between us still. I mean, to me he is my best friend but there is this strange feeling which I don't want to and also can't connect. Strange things going on.

Today it is the Wednesday before the last race of the year. I am on my way to my shop and do the last shootings for this year. The shop next to us stood empty for a while and because I didn't always wanted to drive to other locations to have a studio I bought this shop and created my own studio. Lily agreed to the offer I made her and now she is fully working for me and I couldn't be happier at the moment. Lando helped me a lot those last months and I am thinking of giving him a special present, since a while, but I cant really find the thing I like and that also fits.

I arrive at my shop and step in. Lily is coming to work later today so I am at my own. I prepare the studio for the next shooting. A Christmas shooting. Even though I don't really like this celebration I like taking photos of the families that enjoy this. The parents are smiling and the kids, they are so bubbly and cannot await the moment Santa is coming and they can unwrap their presents. It is a really lovely sight. Shortly before the customers are arriving Lily comes into the shop. She smiles widely and comes up to hug me. „Hey you, what are you so happy about?" „There are only a few weeks left until Christmas and I can't wait." I roll my eyes and smile. „You are just like the little kids from yesterdays shooting. They also had that big spark in their eyes." „I am still a kid. I am only 19 years old." „I know but still it's funny to see."

The shootings of this day went awesome and the families were very lovely and even the little kids behaved very well. Lily and I clean up the shop and then close the shop." „I forgot to tell you something. Can you please bring a packed suitcase tomorrow? Clothes for about four to five days and there has to be something casual and also something special. I can't tell you for what. Just bring it." I am perplexed. That were way to much information in so short time. I can only nod and Lily smiles and then leaves. I am still perplexed and walk to my car. At home I quickly eat dinner and then start to pack my suitcase. I pack my favourite hoodie, one I stole from Lando some time ago, and some sweatpants as well as a long red dress. I don't know for what but Lily said I would need it. I have an idea for what it could be but I am not sure. At the end I packed everything I think I could need for where I think I am going and then sit on my lounge chair to read a little. I haven't really go the time to read these last months because I was either out with Lily or with Lando and hardly found the time.

The next morning I get ready and then drive to the shop with my suitcase in the back. I am very excited and cannot await the reason why I have to bring a suitcase. I drive up to the shop and park the car. I can see that Lily is already there and when I get out of my car she walks out with a box in her hands. I look confused. „Hey Lily, my suitcase is in the car but what is all this about." She smiles. „Well, you know this boy, a racing driver actually, and he has his last race of this year on this weekend. You two have spend a lot of time these last months and grew together a lot more. Together you are better than apart so he wants you to be with him when he drives his last race, for this season. This is something he gave to me before he flew to Abu Dhabi and he wanted me to give this to you." Lily hands me the present and I take it carefully. I am smiling like hell since Lily started talking. I put down my purse and then open the little box. On the top there is laying an envelope. I open it and see a ticket for an flight to Abu Dhabi and a little note that's says „Your paddock pass is already with you." I smile. Never thought he could be such an cute guy. Okay, I knew. Then I put the envelope to the side and look into the box. There is another, a smaller box. I take it out and give the rest to Lily. When I open it I see a bracelet with a compass, which looks exactly like the one I have. I check my wrist and feel nothing. I look back at the box and see another note. „Always thought you would miss your bracelet, didn't seem like it. I had it with me the whole season I think now it's time to give it back." I roll my eyes. How could I never notice that it was gone, I always wear it. I put it back and then see another small box in there. I take it out as well and when I open it I see dangling earrings with the exact same compass as the one on my bracelet. When I take one out I see something written on the back of it. „Stay curious and never stop." I have the feeling this was not on there originally. I take out the other one and look at the back. I thought there would be the same saying but there wasn't. The other one says „Let yourself fall." This is the cutest thing ever. Lily comes up to me and looks at the earrings as well. „You can't tell me he isn't in love with you after this." I smile. „We aren't. We're just very good friends." „Come on, he already knows you better than your parents do." I think about it and Lily is right. There are a lot of things I haven't told my parents these last years but things he knows. Crazy thing.

Do I know you?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang