Chapter three

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Valeria's sight

„Mum, I'm leaving for work. See you in the evening." „Have a great day sweetie. Could you bring me some flowers from your neighbour, when you get home?" „Yeah when I don't forget it, when I get home, of course." I step out of the house and open the garage. There he is, smiling at me like always, well not really smiling more looking like a devil grin but still-my car. After photography, cars and motorsport are my favourite things. I drive a BMW M2 and I'm very proud of it, because it is the first thing I bought from my own money, I saved for a long time. I put my stuff in the trunk and start my way to my office/shop. It's in a small and quiet street in Woking and its called „Vale's heaven".  I don't know how my mum came up with it, but I kinda like it.

„Lily! Thought you would be earlier, like I told you to." „I'm sorry." my intern says and looks down on the floor. It's not common for a small shop like mine to have an intern, but it's my neighbours niece and she asked me and I couldn't say no. „I get the feeling, that you don't want to be here and that's why you're always late. I can't trust you with the work, when you're always disappointing me." „I know, I completely understand what you mean by that, but I want that, more than anything. I have a lot of trouble I need to clear up and that's why I'm always late. I promise you I will be reliable by now. You can trust me, but just don't kick me out." „I won't because I know you can do this, but promise me you will take good care of the shop today. I will let your grandma look in over the day." „Thank you, that's more than okay. It's really nice from you to do that." „I know you can do that, that's why I let you do this. You know everything you need to know right?" „Yeah all good. I know exactly what to do." „Good. I'm having a photoshoot later, but I don't have the location yet. They have my number but also the one from here, so when they call here would you please tell them to call me on my phone?" „Yeah of course. Is it a big one? Do you need assistance?" „I don't really know, but I don't think so. I only have the information that I have to take pictures, not why, where or from whom. Going to be a funny shooting. I have to take all my stuff because I don't know what will happen." „Yeah sounds pretty fun."

„I'm done for today. You can close the shop around 5pm Lily. Thank you for doing that." „Alright, have great day and tell me about the mystery shooting." I laugh when I leave the shop and drive straight to my flat. „Mum are you here?" I shout into the flat of my parents, but I get no answer. „Guess not. Well then I'm  just going to pick up my things." I open my flat and collect my equipment. I put all of it in my trunk and leave. I still have time so I drive near the park I was yesterday and go on a walk. My mother told me it is just a normal park but it is connected to the building I was taking pictures of. So I'm not scared to go there anymore.

I'm taking pictures of a few products I made for my shop, when I get a call from Lily. „Yeah, what's up Lily? Everything fine with the shop?" „Hey Val, yeah all good. I got a call from your mystery costumer. They said they don't have that much time, so they told me the address. I will send it to you." „Alright, you can just quickly tell it to me." She tells me the address and I start to laugh. „Funny thing I'm standing kinda right in front of it." „Well that's funny, but also awesome. You don't have to drive that long." „Yeah, that's right." We hang up and I go on taking pictures.

The shooting was set for 4pm and because I forgot time it is already 3:50 and I start to panic again. I hate it to be late and at the moment it seems like I would definitely be to late. I quickly take all my stuff and run to my car. I drive around the park as fast as I can and get to the gate at exactly 3:58. Good, still got two minutes to get through the gate and the long driveway to the building. „Hello, how can I help you?" „I have a photoshoot at four. I was told to just tell you that and you would be informed about it." „Ah right, Miss Miller. You can drive right trough." „Thank you. Have a good day." He opens the gate and I drive to the parking lot. I get the stuff I think I could need and walk fast to the entrance. „Hi, welcome to the McLaren headquarters. How can I help you? Wait, you must be Valeria Miller right?" „Hello, yes that's me. I'm sorry I'm too late." „Oh no problem, it's exactly 4pm, so no worries. I will bring you to the location. My name is Charlotte." „Thank you. I'm Valeria, but... You know that already." I say and shake my head. When it gets to meeting new people I sometimes get a little awkward. We enter a big hall and it is full with McLaren's. The road ones and also all of the Formula 1 ones. I feel like I'm in heaven. I try to not make it to obvious that I really like the cars, but Charlotte notices it anyways. „You like what you see? We are very proud of our memory hall here. I assume you are interested in cars?" „Oh, yeah I really like it. I see why you are very proud of it. It looks amazing. I always liked cars. Besides photography, cars and motorsport are my favourites." We talked for a little while, when I saw a young guy entering the hall. Charlotte already told me that I would be taking photos of their current F1 drivers and their cars.

I thought there would be two drivers I would be shooting, but I only see one. The young guy was coming towards us and smiled brightly. I focus on the boy coming my way and suddenly I notice a raised hand in the corner of my eye and I couldn't stop the reflex to flinch. I quickly look around and hope nobody noticed it. Then I look up and see a friendly and Spanish looking guy in front of me, holding his hand out to greet me. Was he the guy who raised his hand? I smile and greet him and the other guy before we start to talk about the shooting. 

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