Chapter 6

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"Somethings wrong," says Newt. "The walls are not closing..." you say as you stand with everyone else, staring into the darkness of the maze. A loud noise sounds, and everyone looks across the glade. The other wall was opening. "Go grab any weapons you can, and be prepared," yells Alby. Everyone starts running to grab any weapons they can find. Suddenly, there's high shrieking sounds before the grievers start coming through the entrances. "Y/n!" Thomas yells. You run after him but a griever cuts you off. You fall back and using your sharpened stick, you stab into it, it's blood splattering on you. But it's still alive and moving. I missed. You scramble to get up but slip. Then a spear comes through from the other side before the griever plops down. You see Newt, Minho, and Thomas. Minho grabs your hand and you guys start running to shelter. Quickly inside the main hut with many others, the door shuts and Alby locks it. Everything goes silent.

Steps sound along the ceiling as the griever's legs stab into it. You hear chittering from the griever. Minho steps in front of you, a stick ready in hand to stab. Suddenly, a claw comes fast through the ceiling and grabs someone, flinging them out. Someone screams and the claws come back, but this time, it grabs Alby. Alby grabs onto the ceiling, trying to hang on. "Aagh!" Newt and Thomas reach out to try and pull Alby back down, but the griever is stronger and takes him after seconds of struggle. "Alby!!"

The night continues, but you guys fight. You and every glader fight until morning falls and the grievers retrieve back to the maze. Many lives were lost, but many are still standing. Chuck, Minho, Thomas, Newt, Frypan, Clint, Gally, and more. Your hands are shaking, and you realize you are scared. You walk out and spot the chaos that occurred last night. Maybe huts were crushed or torn apart, trees fallen, and bodies scattered across the field. The others follow you out the hut and see the mess, scared and shocked. You spot some others emerging from the hut across the field, gladers holding their spears. Minho comes up next to you, Newt and Thomas on your other side. "We need to leave today," Thomas says, "or we have no chance if night falls again."

You stand at the opening with Minho, Thomas, Newt, Chuck, Frypan, Clint, and Theresa. You each have a weapon and anything that might be needed to escape. Gally and a few others refuse to leave, even when Thomas tries to persuade them. "This place isn't our home anymore. They put us here and trapped us for years. At least out there, we have a choice. We can make it out of here. Gally please, it's over, so come with us," Thomas says. Gally hesitates, but stays put, "Good luck out there."

You all run through the maze, with Theresa leading the way. Nobody trusts Theresa, but have to anyway for this because everyone knows, even Theresa, that this is her only way out. You guys reach the hole, but this is when the grievers start climbing up the side walls that lead to an endless drop. "Theresa, what's the hold up," yells Frypan as he fends off the grievers with Minho and Thomas. As more grievers come, you, Newt, and Clint help to defend Theresa and Chuck as they get the password. "Just give me a second," says Theresa. Minho and Frypan throw the griever off to the side, but just as Minho is taking a breather, a griever charges at him, causing him to fall on his back. He uses his spear horizontally and tries to push the grievers mouth back and stop it from biting him. Your griever plops down as Clint stabs it through the heart. You run towards the griever on top of Minho and stab it real hard, causing it to twitch before falling to the side no longer alive. Minho gets up and says to you, "That was close. Thank you, princess, but don't ever do something like that again." He still high-fives you though. "Got it," yells Theresa, and you all enter the entrance way. The door closes and it becomes pitch black, causing startled yells across the group.

You guys walk a bit further into the room. Suddenly the lights switch on, revealing the workstation, but you guys are not alone. "Welcome," exclaims the man standing in the middle with guards behind him, dressed all in black with his arms spread out on either side of him, "My name is Janson." Surrounding you guys are more guards, in black suits and black face masks, each with a gun held in their hands across their front. "What is going on," whispers Frypan. "Theresa, so good to see you again. Come here," chimes Janson. You all look to Theresa. Theresa walks over calmly to Janson's side and he pats her on the shoulder.

"She told them," you gasp. You raise your spear, and this movement causes the guards to raise their guns. "Now now, no need for any of this. Come with us quietly, and we will make sure you all have a comfortable stay," says Janson. There was only one spear left, so you grip it tightly, aiming the sharpened side towards the guards. "We're not going anywhere with you," you growl. "Take them," says Janson. The guards start closing in and you take your chance to throw the spear, hitting a guard in the shoulder before he falls to the ground. And that's when chaos breaks loose. You guys fight the guards and try to take their guns, as Janson muses at the bravery of the group. Just as you are about to reach for a gun on the ground from a fallen guard, a gloved hand grabs your wrist and drags you up forcibly. You wince at the force. The guard turns you around so you face everyone else and you hear a click before you feel the cold metal against your skull. Your hands try to pull the guard's arm off, which is wrapped across your front, their hand gripping your shoulder and your back against their body as they hold a gun to your head. "Let go of me," you yell. "Stop or I will shoot," the voice booms behind you, a deep voice belonging to a man. Your friends all turn to face the voice, and when they see you, they stop. "Hands behind your head and get down on your knees," the guard instructs. And your friends do, as they say, all angrily complying but know they can't do anything or you'll get hurt. The remaining guards raise their guns and point them at your friends.

The guards get a hold of everyone, tying their wrists behind their backs. You struggle against the guard holding you, and Minho shouts to Theresa, "You traitor!" Thomas adds on and yells, "You are just like them!" Theresa dares to look sorry before turning around and walking the other way saying, "I need them alive Janson, especially the girl." Janson nods in the direction of the guards before walking after Theresa and they each take out a syringe filled with some sort of clear liquid. The guard holding you uses the butt of the pistol to smack your head and you fall on your hands and knees gasping, right before the guard plunges the syringe into your neck. Just before you black out, you see the boys yelling for you just before they are also knocked unconscious with the drug.

The guards drag your bodies toward the plane, and once everybody is on, they take off towards the WCKD headquarters. 

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