Chapter 1

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You awake suddenly, gasping for air and eyes wide open as you take in your surroundings—a metal box, filled on all sides with boxes with who knows what in them. You are sitting in the middle on cold, hard metal. The crate is flying upwards, and you start to panic. You try to stand but the force and speed at which the crate is moving causes you to fall. Why am I here? Where am I being taken to? Why can't I remember anything?! Thoughts start to protrude into your mind, making you panic even more as tears start forming in your eyes. You move to the corner of the crate and sit with your back against the cold, hard metal of the crate's side. You pull your knees in and hug them, placing your head on top of your knees.

Minutes pass until the crate jolts to a stop. You don't bother looking up, but you hear the sound of faint chattering. The top of the crate opens, and you look up, blinded by the bright light shining down from the top. You raise one of your arms over your head in hopes of blocking out the light. Suddenly, somebody jumps into the crate in front of you causing you to startle, and looks at where you are sitting. It's a boy, with black hair and brown eyes, staring at you. Without looking back, he says, "It's a girl." You slowly look up to questioning looks and see a large group of boys staring down at you. "Hey, Greenie." You look back down at the boy standing in front of you. He extends a hand to you, which you hesitantly take. "Where am I," you ask quietly, as you are being pulled up by the strong arm. He gives a small smile and says, "We'll explain later, but first, let's get you out of here." When you are standing, he turns around and says something to a guy with blond hair. Before long, you are being lifted up and onto a grassy field.

The boy with blond hair comes up to you. "Name's Newt, welcome to the Glade. You probably don't remember your name, but that's okay. It might take some time for you to remember, it has happened to everyone here." You take in your surroundings, the huge stone walls all around, but you notice an opening. "Follow me and–" You start running towards the opening, picking up speed as you go. "Hey, wait don't–" You continue running and you hear laughter from the boys behind you. But seeing as you are not stopping or stumbling, they start panicking. "Uh, guys. Someone should stop her." "HEY, COME BACK!" "Thomas, go stop–" You are almost to the opening in between the stone wall and as you look back, you see the boy with black hair catching up. I guess that's Thomas, you think after hearing parts of the conversation between the panicking members.

You run and run, and you make it through the opening in the wall. But when you look back, you see that Thomas has stopped, watching you along with the other boys just before the opening. Why did he stop? You turn the other way and continue to run, but when you turn right of the maze, you run into a solid, muscular form. You stumble back and look up to see a very good-looking Asian boy, with black hair and brown eyes, beads of sweat clinging to his forehead. He is looking down at you with a hard look, "And who are you? You shouldn't be here." You look down at your hands and stammer, saying, "I-I don't know. I don't remember anything." You look back up at him, both his hands holding onto the strap across the top of his chest and amusement in his eyes. "You must be the new greenie." "Why does everybody keep calling me that?" He walks up close to you, causing you to blush. In an instant, he has his arms around your waist and lifts you. "H-Hey, let me go," you say, trying to pull his muscular arms off you. You wiggle, but it's no use. He starts walking back to the opening in which you came from, "Why don't we go see why?" You don't see it but you can hear a smirk in his voice. Your face starts to heat as he carries you in his arms, your back hitting his chest with every step.

"Minho, you brought her back, thank goodness," someone says. Minho. "Our new greenie sure is brave." Minho places you down in the center of the group, everyone looking at you before bursting into laughter. "She sure is something alright. I love her already," chimed one of the boys. One of them steps up, followed by the blond-haired boy from earlier. He must be the leader. "Everyone, back to work! Greenbean, the name's Alby. I am the leader and this is Newt, which you've met. When I'm not around, he's in charge," he says pointing next to him, the blond-haired boy. "Ya'know, for a second I thought she might have the chops to be a runner," muses Newt. Alby chuckles, but you ask, "Runner?" Alby smiles and turns to Newt. "Newt, why don't you give her a tour." "Sure thing," he says, his voice heavily accented. He starts walking and explaining each part of the Glade, introducing everyone and listing the roles and job of each person along with it. And then he explains the maze, the prohibited area in which only runners can go.

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