Chapter 18: Back where it started

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Past trauma



Dream ran to where the sound of mellohi was coming from. When he got to the top of a hill he saw Tommy standing on top of the prison.

Tommy was all alone.

Dream started running once more.

Once he got to the front of the prison he pearled to the top.

Tommy stood there holding an axe, his pure white hair blowing in the wind. If you said he was shaking in fear, he would deny it and say it was cold.

"Give me the discs Tommy." Dream said putting a hand out.


"Did you just say no to me?" Dream questioned. Tommy, knowing he didn't want an answer, didn't do so.

Dream started walking over to Tommy.

Tommy stood his ground holding his axe up.

"Don't you forget helped you at your lowest. Not tubbo not Wilbur. ME!"

"Well obviously you did a bad job at it." Tommy scoffed.

Dream walks over to Tommy and pushes him down.

While this is going on people were watching from a distance.

They were all hidden from view.

Tubbo, from a distance, cringed as he saw Tommy get pushed down. Tommy just took it.

Tommy had told him and everyone else, that no matter what he does, don't do anything until the signal.

From the distance there was Niki, fundy, techno, phill, tubbo, ranboo, puffy, quackity and fundy.

The rest of the people didn't want to get involved or had to somthing else to to do.

Ranboo couldn't find a lot of people on such short notice.

Tommy understood people hated him.

But why didn't they want to help take down someone worse than him.

What did Tommy do that was so bad that people hated him more than dream.

Tommy probably would never know.

And that's okay.

Dream pulled Tommy by his shirt.

"Who in the absolute fuck do you think you are. Your disobeying me Tommy. I didn't teach you to disobey me!" Dream said as he put his sword up to Tommy's throat.

Techno fumed with rage as he saw his little brother get manhandled like that.

Tommy then took out his dagger and jabbed dream as hard as he could in the stomach and pushed away.

"NOW!" Tommy yelled and everyone came to swarm Dream.

Dream shouted in pain as his mask flew off.

From behind techno grabbed dream.

Tommy got up and tubbo ran to him and grabbed him into a hug.

"God damnit Tommy next time just let me help you."

Tommy smiled and looked at dream, walking towards him.

"There won't be a next time." Dream spoke with a raspy voice glaring at tubbo and Tommy.

Before anyone could speak up techno was pushed across this prison roof.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Tubbo yelled, pulling his bow and arrows out, as punz grabbed Dream.

"I told you." Dream said as everyone took there weapons out.

Punz handed Dream a healing potion and Dream gladly took it.

"There won't be a next time." Dream smirked.

Punz started shooting arrows at people and dream ran away using a pearl to get farther.

Tommy saw Dream getting away and started chasing after him.

Soon enough everyone was able to take punz down.

Punz laughed to himself.

"What's so funny mate?" Phil asked glaring at him.

"I was just the distraction." Punz smirked.

Tubbo's eyes widened as he looked around to see Dream and Tommy were gone.

"Shit!" Tubbo yelled as he went to chase after Tommy wherever he went.

Niki, fundy and quackity stayed behind to watch punz and the rest went to help Tommy.

On the way they ran into Aimsey and Wilbur.

"Oh my gosh Aimsey!" Tubbo yelled as the all stopped.

"Look I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. Truly, I was just so angry and I-"

"It's okay Tubbo. I forgive you." Aimsey said pulling tubbo into a small hug.

Once they pulled away Aimsey spoke again.

"Where is he tubbo" Aimsey spoke.

"I have no idea he ran after Dream."

Aimsey started panicking.

"Everyone calm down. If I know Dream and I know my brother, they would be where it all started." Wilbur smiled and tubbo nodded.


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