Chapter 17: Explanation

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Dream ran.

Ran towards the sound.

Forgetting all about anything around him.


Wilbur scoffed as he quickly elbowed Aimsey in the side, knocking them off of his back.

"Are you going to quit acting so big and bad?" Wilbur questioned with an amused look.

Aimsey quickly shot back up, the shears off glass still in hand.

Wilbur could see the blood dripping from her hand and old, dry blood on her neck.

Wilbur the rolled his eyes reaching into his pocket.

A first aid kit

"Tommy would not be happy I just let you look like that. Sorry for kicking you in the face by the way. I had to make it look believable." Wilbur said walking over to Aimsey.

She scooted back and tripped, falling down once more.

"That's what I thought." Wilbur spoke, grabbing her hand and cleaning up the giant cut on her hand.

"You didn't think to not hold the shard of glass a little less tight? It's not like it would've done much more than what it did to you hand." Wilbur laughed and Aimsey didn't speak, giving Wilbur a cold glare.

Aimsey knew this man was not to be trusted. He was a bad guy. He hurt Tommy.

He literally left him screaming for help.

"Not speaking are we? Look I'm here to help." Wilbur sighed.


Now that Aimsey did not expect.

"W-what?!" Aimsey softly spoke.

"There we go! Now we're getting somewhere." Wilbur said smiling.

"Look we had a plan to get you back and end dream once and for all. I may have gone rouge and just saved you myself. But you probably know I'm not one to follow plans."

"Well I still don't trust you." Aimsey said pulling her hand away after Wilbur bandaged it up.


"Here let me see your neck." Wilbur said as he lifted Aimseys chin.

Once he did he saw a smile engraved into Aimseys skin.

Wilbur chuckled.

"Dream really is a narcissist." He scoffed as he got a disinfectant wipe and cleaned the wound.

"If you went any longer without cleaning this, it would've gotten worse."

"Worse?!" Aimsey looked scared.

"Yeah. Worse. Whatever he used he most definitely didn't clean." Wilbur said bandaging her neck.

Aimsey just sat in silence and then spoke once more.

"He did the same thing to Tommy."

Wilbur looked at them once more after putting the supplies away.

"And so much more. It was all your fault after he got taken away again. You didn't save him." Aimsey said getting up trying to hit Wilbur.

Wilbur scooted back as Aimsey walked forward.

"Look it's not all my fault. Some was Tubbo's and some was dreams. You can't blame everything on me." Wilbur said calmly.

"Yeah but you could've saved him."

Wilbur looked at Aimsey with a saddened look.

Aimsey pushed him once more making Wilbur fall backwards non expecting the river behind him.

Once Wilbur got out Aimsey laughed.

"You deserved that."

"I know I did."

"So what was your plan for after you get Dream where you want him?" Aimsey asked as Wilbur took off his coat and tried ringing it out.

"Well I told Tommy and ranboo to go get everyone and anyone to help. Tubbo built a contraption that would connect a jukebox to the prison speakers and lure Dream there and when he is, we kill him." Wilbur said and Aimsey nodded.

"Then let's get going." Aimsey said walking the direction Dream did.

"Woah woah woah. My job was to get you and make sure you stay safe. You're not going to rush into action you're already hurt." Wilbur said grabbing Aimseys arm.

Aimsey turned around and pointed a finger in Wilbur's face.

"YOU can't tell me what to do. I'm helping Tommy kill that bitch. Why are you just standing around. He's you're brother and you're not going to help him?"

"Well I- yeah I'm his brother."

"Some brother." Aimsey scoffed and started walking again.

Wilbur looked down.

Aimsey was right.

What kind of brother was he?

He hurt Tommy.

He left him to die.

He put him through so much pain.

"Ugh fine lets go." Wilbur finally gave in.

Aimsey smiled.

Wilbur still had cat in his enderchest.

If all goes to shit Tommy would still have that one.

"Let's just hope Tommy doesn't fuck up. "

"Yeah let's" Aimsey said, rolling their eyes and they started running.

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