Connecting the Pieces

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Naomasa was agitated as he drove home from the precinct. This would be the first time in almost a week that he'd be going home to sleep instead of just sleeping in his office. The police chief had all but commanded him to go home and rest so he could come back and approach this case with a well-rested mind. Naomasa was agitated since this was the first useful piece of information since the case was opened. 

Tsutsumi Yoshiro, the rapist taken down by Small For One, had gotten a good look at the person he fought. He was young, most certainly a teenager. He had fluffy white hair peaking out from his hood and green eyes. He wore a surgical mask to cover the lower side of his face. Smart since these can be bought just about anywhere or just found at any hospital for free. His hoodie was white with what looked like two rabbit ears. 

For some reason, the green eyes seemed to stick with Naomasa. That small detail made him think of the runaway Izuku Yagi and it gave him the sensation that there was something here he was missing. He arrived home and parked his car before entering the apartment he shared with his sister, Makoto, and laid down on the couch. 

His sister, having come home after her university classes, was already preparing dinner. He'd let her stay with him since her university was closer to his place than to their parent's house. In the last few months, all she'd been asking him about is the case he's been busy with. Of course, he'd never told her anything since it's confidential police information. 

They went through their usual routine with her asking him questions about the case he's been working on and why it's been keeping him at the precinct for so long and him dodging questions. Eventually, she stopped asking and he was able to go to sleep. As he was sleeping he suddenly remembered something about the villain Dabi. He went to the computer to confirm his suspicions. Dabi is not only wanted for arson but also for drug dealing. He sells pain medication, something no one remembered considering the arson was what he was known for. 

Then he remembered something from Izuku's letter. In his letter to the Yagis before he left, he wrote at one point "I find it amazing that you set the bar so low I was willing to be friends with a villain who sold me drugs." Dabi has been known to deal drugs in the same area Izuku's house is in. Did he sell drugs to Izuku? How did Izuku pay for them? 

Naomasa wasted no time in calling Aizawa and Nezu and telling them this. He then immediately left the house, remembering to say goodbye to his extremely confused sister, and drove to Toshinori's house. On the way there he called Toshinori and told him he figured something out and that he was going to his house to confirm it. 

When he arrived not only was Toshinori awake but so was his family. "Did you find anything on Izu!?" "Did you find my baby boy!?" Izumi and Inko Yagi asked respectively. Naomasa spared them no mind as he rushed to Izuku's room. Ever since he learned what they did to Izuku he wanted nothing to do with them. 

When he opened the door he immediately began scanning the place for anything that was out of the ordinary. They'd already cleaned the place and refurbished it with an actual bed, bookshelf, and table with a computer. He'd tried to tell them that if they did find him he would probably not want to come back here. If he had it his way he'd be taken into social services and never be brought back here again. Obviously, they weren't fit to be parents. Sadly Toshinori being All Might made this an abnormal case. Despite what he told them, they still held hope he would come back, even if it would just be so they could apologize. 

At some point in his search, the Yagis moved up behind him and started asking questions about what he was doing. He paid no mind to them, he was more concerned with finding what he was looking for. Then he saw something, a loose floorboard. He wasted no time in walking to the floorboard and pulling it up to reveal a secret compartment. Inside was a bottle of pills, bloodied razor blades, and what Naomasa could only assume was Izuku's journal. 

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