Allison Argent

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|Alyn pov|

When I woke up the next morning I couldn't stop worrying about Scott, I saw that he tried to call me but I had already fallen asleep.
I quickly did my morning routine because I ended up over sleeping, then I put my hair up and got dressed.


Wenn, I finally arrived at school. I noticed the boys talking, and I quickly went up to them.

"Hii guys... how are you Scott I'm sorry for not answering my phone, as soon as I stepped foot in my bedroom I fell asleep"
"No worries, Lin," reassured Scott.

"Ok, let's see that thing," said Stiles.
"See what thing?" I ask cluelessly.
Scott lifted up his shirt to show me and Stiles the huge bandaid on his hip.

"What happened..!" I kind of demanded while reaching out my hand to touch it.

Scott pulled back before I could.
"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."
"A wolf bit you." Stiles repeated. I stood there shocked. There aren't any wolves in California unless...

"No, not a chance." I said kind of worried. Scott looked at me, "I heard a wolf howl!" he said while shrugging his shoulders.

"No, you didn't!" I said
"What do you mean 'no you didn't'. How would you know what I heard you weren't there and didn't even bother to answer my call!" Scott said, getting mad.
"Because California doesn't have wolfs. OK? Not in like 60 years." I said in disbelief.

"Yoo guys, I'm still here, you know." said Stiles getting my attention but Scott was in thought while looking at his bandaid then said, "Ok well if you don't believe me about the wolfs then you aren't going to belive me when I say I found the body." "Are you kidding me!" Said Stiles excitingly.

"This is freaking awesome. I mean, this is seriously going to be the best thing that happened in this town since- since the birth of Lydia Martin- heyyy Lydia! you look- like you going to ignore me..."

The queen bee walked by. Stiles was completely obsessed with her. He had a crush on her since 3rd grade, and I could see why she was stunning.
But listening to stiles talking about her every day for a year got on my nerves so much. I don't even know why I'm so bothered by it.

I scoffed and started to walk away, but in the process, I could still hear Stiles telling Scott that apparently it was his fault for dragging him down into his nerd depths.


I arrived in class before the two idiots and took my seat, which is the seat next to Scott, stiles sat behind me. I need to find out if Scott got bit by a werewolf or some other animal and I need to do it fast a full moon is going to be soon and I don't want my bestfriend to lose control and kill someone.

I didn't even notice that everyone was already in class and that the teacher started to talk until Stiles taped my back. I turned around and took a quick glance at him and smiled as a thank you, then paid attention to the teacher while he was rambling about the body and our imagination.

But as I was listening something caught my attention, a phone that was ringing outside of the school but that was not what caught my attention it was the fact that Scott seemed to hear the girl talking on her phone as well.
Shit this is not good!

I noticed that the poor girl outside was panicking because she didn't bring a pen, if she asked me to give her one I would gladly give it to her.

She was about to enter the classroom with the vice principal, but all I could think about was if Scott really heard her too.

She finally entered, and the vice president explained that she was new and her name was Alison Argent.
She passed by me to go to the only free seat that was behind Scott. She barely sat down, and Scott gave her a pen...
This just confirmed it! I- he- he's a werewolf!


After class the boys decided the best thing to do was standing in the middle of a corridor and stare at Alison Argent, I was to dam worried that Scott may actually be a Werewolf that I didn't really pay attention to them but when Lydia maid her way twords Allison I began to be intrigued because some drama may happen I mean it's Lydia Martin where talking about!

"That jacket is absolutely killer. Where did you get it?" asked the gorgeous strawberry blond
"My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco." replied Allison
"And you are my new best friend. Hey, Jackson."said Lydia

Then a random girl from behind us said, "Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?"
What Stiles said next hurt, but i can't really tell why i was so offended by it. "Because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together."
"Sooo, I'm ugly?" I asked, trying not to sound sad or like a pick me girl, but I did want to know if I was unattractive to him.
"No! That's not it, you're beautiful, I don't know why you're even hanging out with two losers when you clearly belong in Lydia's clique..." Now that answer shocked even Scott! And I fellt my whole face heating up, but tried to ignore it and concentrate on the conversation that was unfolding before me.

"So, this weekend, there's a party." said Lydia
"A party?" asked a clearly uncomfortable Allison
"Yeah - Friday night. You should come." Jackson invited Allison
"Uh, I can't. It's family night this Friday. Thanks for asking." Allison refused the invite
"You sure? Everyone's going after the scrimmage." insisted Jackson
"You mean like football?" asked Allison
"Football's a joke in Beacon. The sport here is lacrosse. We've won the state championship for the past three years." braged Jackson
"Because of a certain team captain." said Lydia, boosting his self-confidence

"Well, we have practice in a few minutes. That is, if you don't have anywhere else -" said Jackson
"Well, I was going to -" tried Allison to say but got interrupted by Lydia. "Perfect - You're coming."

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