Day 4

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Every players woke up now in the same time, always 7 AM. But now, it changed. It was now the top 10. The list on the tV was updated, with two other players: Lya and Ichika. The two other girls. A few minutes later, the TV turned on.

-Ggggooood morning players! You know what time is it? TOP 10 TIME! Wich means you guys getting stronger then ever was! Like a video game, you leveled up! Oh, anyways! At the morning Leonardo cooked as always the breakfast if anybody knows. But it'll be different! I'll be at the cafeteria!

The players schocked down when they heard the creator. Meeting with her in the café? Oh, my, god! After the players calmed down from the news, she countined.

-I'll choose the player wich one will come to my office after breakfast. And i just only come to the cafeteria to eat, and after the talking with the player, i want to play an game with you guys.

And then, Hans standing up, and started speaking

-And what kind of game?
-Good question! The game'll be... Hide and Seek! I had no other ideas players, sorry. Anyways, wich player you guys vote out?

The brithis man standed up, and started talking, eye to eye.

-Miss, I want to vote Hans! Lya yesterday said to me it's him and Stepan, but firstly we vote out Hans. At the next day we'll vote out Stepan, and then the assasins.
-Smart. So, who votes on Hans?

6 out of 10 voted Hans, wich Players are: Sebastian, Gilbert, William, Leonardo, Carlos and Branimir. There's no way out. Hans losed this game. He was so "close" for the win. And then, the creator just started speaking, again.

-Hans, you're the first one who got voted out. But, i have to reveal your role after getting voted out, okay?
-Oh, ja. Okay...

All the players started staring at the german, and his role, getting reveal.

-Good job players! Hans was an murderer. But today if he don't getting voted out, maybe everybody already died.

The players looked each other from the news, the creator turned off the TV. The players started running to the cafeteria, only Hans not. He had to find the other eliminated players. So, he started walking sadly. Meanwhile with the eliminated players, before the creator going to the cafeteria, she goed to the losed players. They are had been playeing "jenga" with bricks.

-Good morning "players"! Today are the top 10, wich means, you guys can tipp on one players wich one will win the game! And not just the winner gets something, but for the great tipp gets something too!
-And what are the good tipper gets?
-You'll see Donghai.

The players started voted. I'm not saying wich players voted who, but you guys can think about it. And then, the creator leaved the room, and started walking to the café. The players has been already here, only they had been waiting for her. But then, she walked in. Every player runned to sit with her. She just looked confused when 9 humans came to her for no reason. She grabbed an tea and a cookie, and sat down. And then, she stared talking.

-So, nice to see you guys in real. I got bored sitting all day infront the TV. Plus, i needed this, but better luck next time have a coffee.
-But, didn't you said you'll choose one of us to bring with yourself?
-Mhm, that's right Branimir! And now, i bring with myself....Sebastian!

The players nodded with that. Just Sebastian are a little bit scared. He's that "scaredy-cat" typed boy., but he can't do anything about it.

*time skip bc i'm bored*

After the breakfast, the creator grabbed Sebastian's hand, and from her anger, she holded his hand too hard. He just confused why does she hold his hand like THAT hard. A few minutes they finally arrived the office. The woman opened the door, and just sat down to her place.

-So, Sebastian Ferdinand Muller.


-Magic, anyways..So, you're the medic, am i right?

-Uhh DUH! Yes!

-I though you're a "scaredy cat-o". Neverminds. So-

-Hold on, who said that?


-W h o. S a i d. T H A T?

-Your father before he went out for milk.

Sebastian just looked confused what she said, the creator countined.

-So, you are able to heal 3 players at one day. Or if you don't want tho, you're able to bring back an eliminated player, only 1 day! Got it?


-What did you said?


Sebastian just runned out from the office, leaving the creator, confused. Meanwhile at the others, Stepah knowed he's the next, or maybe they'll caught who are an assasin. He went to the library, and saw the detective squad.

-Ah! Hello ol' chap!

-Uhhh, hi?

-Was möchtest du? (what do you want?)

-Nothing, just, wanted to take a walk outside at the garden.

-Well, okay. But if you saw any suspi-

-Yeah yeah. I need to tell you guys. How it looks. Blah Blah blah....I KNOW WHAT TO DO!

The soviet man leaved the big room, but he tried to make an plan. Sadly, he didn't know wich players are the assasins, he has to find it out somehow. Meanwhile with them, they are tried to make a new plan to eliminate the others. Bojan has an idea, again.


-If again to really murderer Sebastian, am out.

-No! It's different!

-Well then, spit it out.

-SO! We know who is the detective, right?

-Uhhh, yea. AND?!

-Maybe we shall kill him first, and one of us his assistant.

-Not bad serbian boi.

-Awww, Thank you. UwU

-Just...don't say that-

The two assasins was FINALLY agreed the plan, because the others didn't worked. The detective team was in totally pain. They has been stuck with each others with 2 days. And DIDN'T figure out who are the last murder, and the assasins. Maybe one of them are an traitor? Who knows? The creator just watching them, every single day with the cams. As always.

AHEM! So, i give up for this part- I countine the other part maybe...i dunno. Soon the school is staring for me, wich is am going to have a break on my laptop, but i have still on my phone. Just, i write with that slower :,) Have a nice day/ night my dear friends!

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