"When You're Dreaming With a Broken Heart"

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When you're dreaming with a broken heart...

Nothing ever seems like it can get any better.

Nothing seems bright like it used to.

Nothing will be as it ever was....

When you're dreaming with a broken heart...

Everything seems lost.

Every time you do something,

You're reminded of what was once in your heart.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart...

You can't help but dwell on the hurt.

The only cure,

Is to see what you've lost.

To touch them one last time,

To feel their warm embrace one last time.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart...

There is no cure.

There's no amount of chocolate that can make it better.

There is no amount of happiness that can be found.

There is nothing that you're willing to give a chance.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart...

You become guarded.

You become defensive.

You become frightful.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart...

You become desperate.

You'll do anything you can...

To win back what you've lost.

In the times of need

You'll try anything.

Anything that'll help.

When you're dreaming with a broken heart...

There's only so much you can do.

There's only so much hope you can hang on to.

There's only one thing that'll get you up.

When you're constantly dreaming with a broken heart...

You've become a broken person...

You've become something that everyone else is afraid to be...

You've become what everyone else fears to feel...

You've become everyone's nightmare.

When you're dreaming with that still broken heart...

You fear yourself.

You become something that you never were.

You become weaker.

"Beneath the Stars" Poetry by Jessica Hernandez♥Where stories live. Discover now