Chapter 12

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A mint haired girl that looked to be in her mid-teens fell down onto her knees in the middle of a lush, grassy glade with a silent huff, her head looked to the ground in defeat and her shoulders sagged, making the back of her hands touch the ground and her palms facing the sky. She looked shaggy and ragged, with her dark blue long sleeved shirt dirty with mud and blood and her white pants filthy from weeks of not washing them.

She had let herself go.

She was inhaling and exhaling small puffs of air, listening with a keen ear as black metal boots walked around her in a five foot radius. The person was a red haired, fourteen year old boy in a red shirt with the kanji for Sky King drawn on it and black ninja pants. Under his clothes was pitch black armour that she had formerly discovered was impenetrable. Kneeling around her in a wide circle were at least thirty other people in gold under armour with their hands over their hearts and their heads bowed slightly, a sign of willing deference to the younger teen she suspected. They wore similar clothing to the red head teen but without the kanji on their chests but rather the kanji of their divisions on their right upper arms.

There was a tall woman in a black hunter ninja mask in platinum armour wearing the standard combat clothing for a high ranked soldier of the kingdoms army. The woman was on her feet, not on her knees like her subordinates, with her right hand over her heart and bowing her head to her master, the red haired teen.

Nora, the head of Scout and Retrieval, stayed in that position, even as her king spoke to the resignedly kneeling holder of the Seven tails.

"I know your pain, Fuu." Naruto said in a low voice as he kept walking around the girl, making just a small crunching sound from his heavy looking boots. He stuck his hands into his pants pockets and looked at the girl with his terrifyingly powerful rinnegan eyes.

The girl closed her eyes tightly and whispered. "No, you don't."

Naruto gave her a small sad smile, one she didn't see, as he said again. "I know your pain." This time she only sighed in defeat and kept quiet, Naruto continued. "I was thrown out of my former home with my twin sister by my own father, handed to my godfather, Orochimaru of the Sannin, by said father to experiment on and train to better be a pawn to my former home." The girl quietly bit her lips as tears slowly trickled down her eyes. "I…my sister and I never had any friends in our former home but we were happy to be alone, very happy…my father…he despised us for things that were out of our control and he took out his rage by casting us to our kami damned godfather like two bags of human waste." The soldiers kneeling further away from him bowed a bit deeper at his tone. Naruto was not yelling, rather his voice was controlled and calm, but this only made it scarier to listen to. "My own father…he allowed us to be treated like test subjects for seven years…broken and bent and poisoned and cracked…all so that we could better serve a home that never loved us…" he stopped before the kneeling girl and bent down, making Fuu peek through her unruly green hair into the eyes of power, trembling and shaking with both fear and an unexplainable desire to be near him. "Tell me, Fuu…your home-your former home-made sure you trained and practiced from sunrise to sunset…made you see things you would rather have not, do things you would have preferred not to…all to make you a better puppet. Did I get that right?"

She had been denying the truth her whole life; her home never loved her.

Her heart gave a great thump and she sniffed as her eyes filled up with tears. Naruto reached forward slowly and wiped at her tears, on his moon pale face was a small smile, so small that he might as well be emotionless.

"I know exactly how you're feeling, Fuu. I know your pain."

The girls head bobbed slightly as Naruto's hand pulled back.

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