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Once I got out of the school I saw Mickey pulling up in the car. He turned the engine off and as soon as he stood out most people looked scared. He walks up to me placing his hands on my stomach and pecking my lips.

"Matthew where is he." He gets straight to the point I look into Matt's direction before pointing at him. Mickey walks up to Matt.

"Oi" he says grabbing Matt's and his friends attention and as soon as Matt saw it was Mickey he got scared. "I heard you called my girl a whore." Mickey says as I cross my arms. "I-no it wasn't like that." Matthew stutters. "Did you call her a whore yes or no." Matt mutters no and no Mickey grew impatient. At this point a crowd has formed and phones have been taken out.

He knees Matt's in the nuts. "That is for calling my girl a whore." Then he punches him in the face." That's for putting your hands on my girls stomach-actually for putting your hands on my son." He finishes off by stomping on matts stomach. "And that's for lying." Mickey grabs my hand and we turn around facing the crowd. "Next time you want at my girl wrong say anything or even laugh at her remember this." Mickey threatens them.

I look to see indie and layals disappointed faces but I really don't care anymore.

Me and Mickey walk away and get into the car where Mandy and Ian were waiting for us. Mickey dropped Mandy at home before driving us home ourselves.

As soon as I got in a layed on the couch I just want to be left alone at this point in time I've had a rough day and I don't want to interact with people Mickey could see that cause he just left me too it.

Before I knew it I accidentally fell asleep. When I woke up Liam was staring at me and Lip was sat next to me.

"Morning sunshine." Lips says not even looking at me. "Where Mick." I ask. "he told me to tell you that his dad needed him." For what I asked him worried. "A large run?." He asked confused. Fuck, he told me he'd stop doing large runs. This pissed me off he knew I'd be mad that's why he left when I fell asleep and he knows how I feel about him doing large runs especially when I pregnant.

It's like he doesn't care that there is a high chance that he could get a shot and our son would be left fatherless.  I stand up pacing back and forth whilst nibbling on my finger in anger.


It's been three hours and he not back yet. Debbie and Carl our in the living room with me doing homework Fiona just came in from work Ian,Lip and Kev are having a beer whilst me and V comfort eachother.

The door opens and Mickey walks in in black camo cargo pants and a skin tight all black under armour t-shirt. I Immediately stand up folding my arms as he stood there with a duffle bag.

"A large fucking run." I say slowly and he tuts disappointed in himself. "You knew I'd be pissed and thats why you left whilst I was sleeping." A guilty look crossed his face before it slowly went. "Do you know how selfish- you promised me that you wouldn't do any large runs it's so selfish cause you know you could get killed doing those jobs which means that I would be left to raise our son by myself and would mean he would be left with no father yet you still went ahead and excepted that run."

"I wasn't thinking like that Taylor I was thinking make my dad proud and money to save so we don't have to work for awhile do you really think if I thought about that in that moment I would have gone." I couldn't stay mad for long I sigh.

"Well you need to start thinking like that from now on Mick and stop doing large runs" I tell him.
It does silent and Mickey sits next to me. "My dad did 4 large runs today. He got $65,000 for it." I shrug thats alot of money yes but I don't know why he's telling me this.

He puts the duffle bag on the table. "He gave me 30 grand plus I got 20 for the run I did today I have 50,000 dollars babe all in cash." He open the duffle bag revealing blocks of cash I look at him shocked.

"Why did your dad give you 30 grand." I asked confused. He sighs. "Tay we can't live here forever." He tells me and my heart races. "My dad wants us to get ourselves a house together he says this place is a dump and isn't a good place to raise a milkovich and our kids never safe when Frank's around." I look at him shocked.

"Why would we get a house when I just renovated my fucking room for this baby" I say confused and he sighs.

"Let me finished I thought is a good idea and the house next door has just been put up for sale so I thought we could move in it's literally next door so your not gonna be home sick of missing anything we will have our own space and everything i won't have to be moving from House to house and I'll be with you and kozak all the time and it's just perfect kozak wont be bothering everyone sleep with his screams and it just works out. So my dad gave me some help with the money to buy it obviously we won't get it straight away cause we have to go through legal shit but if we save now start looking to buying it In a few months we will have our own House by the time kozaks 10 months old."

I smile at the fact Mickey put so much thought into it. I grab the back of his head pulling him into a passionate kiss. "That's sounds good I'll be away from this house but not to far away and that means it will be Vs house our house and then this house meaning if V wants to see her god son we can just throw him through the window." I say jokingly.

But Mick looked terrified. "Im joking baby." I laugh and just then I had a terrible pain shoot from my lower back to my lower stomachm

"Ah." I yell a little grabbing my stomach. "You ok baby." Mickey says worriedly and everyone looks at me worried. "I think I'm having a contraction" I say and Mickey relaxes.

"Don't panic baby your having a Braxton Hicks contraction I saw it on TV once it's like a fake contractiom to get you ready for the big thing so not only will you be use to the pain you'll also know when you're having a contraction so your not completely in the dark when your actually in labour." That's made me relax a little and made me feel along better

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