Graverobber wtf?

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You and Pavi got into a heated make out session and we're about to do the deed when Graverobber came bursting through your closet... again.

"Nope, no not gonna happen come with me." He said grabbing your wrist and taking you back to..... wherever the movie takes place I honestly don't know.

"Graverobber!" "(Y,n) don't the guy is worse than an old singer." "And what did this 'old singer' do?" "He raped underage girls and lied about it for years." This rung a bell "Did he go by Kawaii Monster for a while?"

"Yes how'd you know!?" "Cause he's my favorite!" "Oops." "No oops is when you douche with draino, oops is when you pool with piranha, that was an AAAAAHHHHHH!" (Shout-out to anyone who can name the movie that reference is from. No Google. Especially You! That's right I see you.)

"Prove he's your favorite." "Give me a word." "Pie." "Oh that's easy."

"Give me another word" "Unforgiven." "Next time don't give the title to the song."

"Another." "Demons." "Perfect." (My favorite song)

"Alright you proved your point."

Alright I'm ending it there if you have hate about Dahvie I told you in the first chapter to leave then cause Dahvie will be mentioned and I'm not dealing with pricks so if you have hate this chapter here is your final chance for me to politely say "piss off 🖕"

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