Diana Prince

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     Diana was surprised to hear from Bruce. They haven't talked for months, and the only reason they did was that they were updating the roster for the Justice League. He wasn't one to ask for help lightly. She was in Paris and had to make it to Gotham by the end of the day. She couldn't wait until construction on the Zeta Tubes was finished. She had to finish some work, but she would be able to leave early. She had no idea what she would be walking into.

When she arrived in the Cave Bruce was at his monitors, which was not a surprise. What was a surprise was that one of the monitors was surveillance of a cell, with a child in it. She was one slow to anger, but seeing a child locked up like a criminal made that anger come hot and fast.

"I demand you release that child immediately," She hit the unlock button on the control panel and is shocked when Bruce moves as fast as he can.

"He can not get away. Please, Diana. I'll explain," His please made her pause. He never asked for help and he was practically begging for it now.

By the time she made her decision, Bruce was gone. She made her way in the direction of the cells. Bruce was fighting against the child. She noticed then that he was in a t-shirt and sweats. The child was relentless, and the way he fought was terrifying. She grabbed her lasso throwing it, but he ducked out of the way sliding towards her after leaving a kick to Bruce's diaphragm. He reached for her lasso and with strength that a boy his size should not have pulled her forward. Not prepared for the strength she stumbled allowing him to get closer. She was shocked at the amount of skill he possessed as they fought. She would be interested in Bruce's explanation.

Pushing him back she was able to get the lasso around him right as Bruce threw one of his nets. The boy tested his restraints. Seeing he couldn't get out of them he stopped struggling. They were able to get him back into the cell without incident, but she made her displeasure known. The boy did not speak the entire time. No reaction to his almost escape that she could see. Bruce set up the TV that was pushed into a corner during the fight. After he was finished, he turned to the boy.

"Dick, I will defeat the Court, and your assignment will be void," The boy turned to the cartoons not responding. They make their way back into the monitor room. She watched as the boy stood staring at the TV. She took him in for the first time, really looking at him. The yellow eyes were the most shocking thing. They reminded her of an animal and they unnerved her. The second thing she noticed was the black veins. They spread from the corners of his eyes and disappeared into his hairline. They also ran along his neck disappearing into his shirt.

"Bruce, what is going on?" She turns to him and sees how tired he is. Her gaze softens.

"This morning at around 3 a.m. my proximity alert goes off waking me up. I look at the security footage to see him not making a noise, moving through the house to my bedroom. He was fully prepared to kill me while I slept. I had the element of surprise and pinned him down," He pauses here looking her in the eye. "He dislocated his shoulder to get out of it. I had my exploding net nearby and threw it at him. He didn't move out of the way and I was able to catch him. His name is Dick Grayson, and he was taken by a secret organization by the Court of Owls and turned into a weapon at the age of eight," She couldn't help her shocked gasp. How could anyone be that cruel? He was a child, and no person should be a weapon to another, let alone a child.

"Diana, he doesn't even think of himself as a person. He stood for hours staring at a wall before I was able to convince him to sit down. He needs someone constantly watching him because I believe he will do anything to complete his mission to kill me and any witnesses," She collapsed into the chair in front of the monitors staring at the child. "He said that if the Court of Owls were destroyed a new master could void the previous assignment. I can't send him to jail, and I fear if he is around anyone it would not end well for them." She understood the urgency now. Bruce had responsibilities and could not watch a child twenty-four seven.

"I will help in any way I can," He gives her a small smile of thankfulness.

"Would you watch him while I grab a few hours of sleep?" She nodded realizing why he looked so exhausted. His patrol doesn't end until around two. He was just getting to bed when Dick showed up. "Feel free to talk to him. He has been receptive to questions, but remember to be very patient."

He leaves her in the chair going upstairs. She sits there staring at the monitor processing the information. She has seen a lot of horrors in her years, but this has to be the worst one yet. She wishes she could do something to fix this. If only it was that easy. She stares at the monitor a moment longer before standing up. Bruce said he had no qualms with her talking to him, so that's what she's going to do. He is still standing and staring at the TV. He must be getting tired, but probably feels too unsafe to sleep.

"Hi, I'm Diana. What's your name?" He turns his head away from the TV staring at her. His head is tilted slightly to the side, and she can tell his gaze is analyzing her every movement.

"I do not have a name. I am merely a Talon for the Court of Owls," The flat statement of the fact sends shivers down her spine. This isn't someone misguided, or misinformed. This is a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.

"Well everyone has a name. Are you okay if I call you Dick?" She feels so awkward standing here talking like this. She is much better on a battlefield, but she is no coward, and this boy needs help.

"You may call me whatever you like. A Talon does not have an opinion on that," A frown of displeasure crosses over her features.

"You are a person," Her voice switches becoming harder, trying to make him understand.

"I am a Talon of the Court of Owls, a weapon to do their bidding," The response is automatic. Bruce's warning to be patient rings in her mind, and she understands now why he said it. She changes the subject knowing getting frustrated will not help anything.

"What are you watching?" He glances back at the television set.

"I do not know. None of these characters act like anyone I have ever met," She glances at the TV and see's a colorful cartoon character talking to his friend as they run off. Everything is exaggerated, but maybe she can use it.

"These people are a lot more realistic than you might think. The people you're usually around are cruel. There is more to people than commands," He stares at the TV watching the characters dance all over the place.

"Maybe," He doesn't seem convinced, but that's fine. He doesn't have to be convinced yet.

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