Gho$t Monn😍😏👀

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Y/n was watching "Meet the Blacks 2" on Netflix

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Y/n was watching "Meet the Blacks 2" on Netflix. Stuffing her face with Hot Cheetos. Drinking Strawberry Fanta from time to time. On a Saturday afternoon. Her friends were either on Summer vacation. Or they already had plans to do other stuff. So you decided to have a lazy day. You received a phone call from your mama. You paused the movie and answered.

Y/n: "Hey mama, you need anything?"

Y/m: "Yes, could you go grocery shopping for me? I'll pay you back."

Y/n: "I can. Could you send the grocery list?"

Y/m: "Just sent it to you. Thanks honey."

Y/n: "You're welcome. Bye, love you."

Y/m: "Love you too."

You hung up the phone and rolled up your chip bag. You put a chip clip on the bag. Y/n licked her fingers. Then placed it on your dresser. Y/n picks her outfit, jewelry, and shoes. She places each item on her bed. You hop in the steaming hot shower. Listening to your shuffled playlist.

You dry off and put on your "Japanese Cherry Blossom" lotion on. This lotion has just enough perfume in it. So you don't have to spray the perfume at all. Y/n pats her feet on the towel a little. She puts her socks on. Y/n brushes her teeth and washes her face. She puts her clothes on afterwards. Y/n puts on her accessories as well.  She then sits at her makeup table, straightens her wig, does her everyday makeup look, and puts on her shoes. Y/n grabs her purse and keys. You lock up the house and start the car. You back out of the driveway. Onto the road, making your way to Walmart.

"Do We Have A Problem" by Nicki Minaj and Lil Baby starts playing. You're singing all the lyrics. Having a lit karaoke session. Every song you listen to on a daily basis. Was playing at the moment. So you were entertained the whole ride. Walmart comes into your sight of vision. You drive into the parking lot. Finding a spot, with no cars around you. Y/n parked her car forwards. So she could easily leave the parking space. She takes her key out of the ignition, grabs her purse, takes her phone off the charger, and gets out of the car. Y/n locks her car and walks into Walmart. She grabs a wipe and wipes down the cart. She pulls up her mama's grocery list.

One by one, Y/n puts the item in her cart. Her next item on the list was Lucky Charms. She walks to the cereal aisle. Her scan the shelves for Lucky Charms. Y/n locks her eyes onto the infamous cereal. She sighs, since the cereal is on the top shelf. Y/n stands on her tippy toes. Attempting to reach the cereal. With no luck, she still couldn't reach the box. Suddenly, she feels a hand grip her waist. She looks to her right to see a cute dread head. Who reaches for the cereal, with his long tatted arm. He looks down at you and hands you the cereal.

Cute guy: "Here you go ma."

Y/n: "T-thank you."

Cute guy: "No problem."

Y/n smiles and pushes her cart once again. The cute guy walks towards you.

Cute guy: "Hey, excuse me."

Y/n: "I got a boyfriend."

Cute guy: "I ain't ask you that. I don't a give a fuck if you got a boyfriend. Your boyfriend ain't got nun to do wit me. You out here being faithful. Blockin yo blessings."

Y/n stops and blushes. Tucking her hair behind her ear nervously. The cute guy smirks down at you. Licking his lips and checking you out.

Cute guy: "Mon."

He says, holding his hand out.

Y/n: "Y/n."

You say, shaking his hand.

Mon: "I fuck with that name. The outfit too. Ma, you bad as hell."

Y/n: "Stop making me blush. You're making my cheeks hurt."

You playfully smack Mon's arm. Then hold your cheeks.

Mon: "I can't help it. I love what I see ma."

Y/n: "I like what I see."

Mon crosses his hands, then placed them over his heart.

Mon: "Ma, why you gon do me like that? You don't love what you see?"

Y/n: "I do love what I see. I was just fuckin witchu."

Mon: "Girl, you play too much. Bout to give me a damn heart attack."

Y/n giggled and walked towards the self checkout line. Mon helped you checkout your items. You paid for your things. He walked you to your car. You opened your trunk. Y'all placed the bags in your trunk. Y/n closes her trunk. She unlocks her car.

Mon: "Ma, can I have your Snap?"

Y/n: "Sure!"

Mon gives you his phone. You open "Snapchat. You type your username and add yourself. Y/n gives Mon his phone back. You add him back on your phone. Mon kisses the back of your hand.

Mon: "Text me when you make it home."

Y/n: "I will."

Mon winks at you and walks to his car. You get in your car, lock the doors, put your playlist on, and drive home. She turns her car off outside her house. She brings her groceries into the house, locks her car, and locks the front door behind her. You text Mon.

Y/n: "I'm home."

Mon: "Good, when can we link?"

Y/n: "You couldn't wait to ask me huh?"

Mon: "Shit no."

You laugh, glad that you went to Walmart. You and Mon texted until you fell asleep.

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