Season 1 Episode 1: "Humble beginnings"

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Before time began...

There stood 2 gods...

Unicron and Primus..

Primus stood for peace, unity and freedom, while unicron stood for destruction, evil, and tyranny

For many many years they fought for control of the galaxy as the stars and planet's formed around them

Parts of them shattering off as they fought.

shards of their power scattered throughout the galaxy and landing on distant planets

Eventually Primus sacrificed his body to stop Unicron and banish him into a deep void where he can never be found...

Primus with a large chunk of his remaining energy became the planet cybertron, his heart became the planet's core... the allspark...

Primus used what was left of his energy to  create 13 robotic life forms as he gave them infinite wisdom once they were deemed worthy after years of being primitive. Primus would then go into deep stasis

They were the original 13 primes. They started out as primal and animalistic, as primus gave them more robots to reproduce with and build up their society, and when primus saw they were ready... he gave the primes infinite wisdom

They developed proper languages and cities, entire nation's on cybertron's surface

2 groups of these life forms existed. Autobots and decepticons...

As the ancient age of cybertron ended and the prime's descendants moved on, a vile and evil race known as quintesseons invaded cybertron to absorb it into their empire

But they failed when the nations of cybertron United and fought tooth and nail to ensure their planets survival and freedom

Soon the quintessons fled the planet as the overwhelming force of the Cybertronian's armies and sheer courage decimated their invaders on the battlefield

A prime named Alpha Trion led this fight. His wisdom and strength inspired both Autobots and Decepticons to stay United

But soon after the invasion

A new problem began. Cybertron United under 1 government. They disarmed all decepticons and put them in internment camps

The decepticons were seen as 2nd class citizens due to them being primarily military bots before, during and after the invasion.

In these internment camps horrid living conditions were the norm

Decepticons we're used as cannon fodder for the Government of cybertron as Autobots lived cleanly and safely within the large advanced cities

These decepticon ghettos would be the birth place of Megatron who would soon lead a revolution that would soon become the Great War of Cybertron... in his quest for equality megatron became corrupted by bloodlust and resentment

And his revolution soon turned into a struggle between good vs evil. As the once United revolutionary force of both autobots and decepticons to stand up against the oppressive government split as the government collapsed entirely..

The war took many twists and turns as the autobots and decepticons fought for control of their planet. The war went on for millions of years until cybertron's supply of energon began to run low, energon being the life blood of all cybertronian life and a powerful resource that powered their technology

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