Chapter 9: Jasper and Charlie Meet???

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Alexandria's POV:

Alright. What could go wrong. My pops and My mate are about to meet. I mean they could hate each other. Oh god what if they make me choose between them. I mean of course before I met Jasper I already knew all about the mate bond but I didn't think it would be like this. Before Jasper I would choose Charlie in a heartbeat. No they wouldn't do that. Charlie knows how important this is to me, I can explain the mate bond and imprinting later on. And Jasper wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

Alright jasper just arrived. I can hear his footsteps from in here. He is almost at the door. Okay I'm ready. I think. "Alright Pops he's at the door now well in a few seconds so remember be nice please. He is really important to me. I'll explain the supernatural side to it later but just believe me for now. You know that id never lie to you. Especially about boys." I looked at him and he gave me a smile.

"Alright Bambi, We can talk about this later but for now don't leave the boy waiting outside for too long. Your father would hate it if I let your manners slip even If it was for a boy. Now go along child. Answer the door." Charlie nodded towards the door and grabbed two beers from his crate next to him. Oh god I feel as if he's going to test Jasper. But Jaspers smarter than that. He'd know what to do if he was getting tested.

I walked towards the door and took in a deep breath. I opened the door to see Jasper waiting there. He looked up from the ground and into my eyes. He smiled and I returned the smile to him. "Alright Jas, Pops knows about you but he is very hesitant to let you come into my room. He thinks that we will get up to something. Alright lets go I need to introduce you to him before he thinks I've ran away." Jasper chucked and nodded. I grabbed his hand and led him through the door. I forgot that his kind of vampire doesn't need to be let into the house. They can just walk in. However we can just walk into other vampire houses and the houses we have been allowed into.

Jasper closed the door behind him and locked out fingers together as I led him through the house into the living room where Charlie was waiting for him. "Alright Pops, He's here. Jasper this is Charlie. My fathers most trusted friend and my Godfather. Charlie this is Jasper Hale. My mate and Imprint that I'll explain to you later and he is apart of Carlisle's coven." Me and Jasper stood Infront of Charlie and waited for him to say something. He didn't take his eyes off of Jasper and it worried me slightly. I could tell that Jasper felt my anxiety as he squeezed my hand in reassurance. He wasn't using his gift as he didn't want to affect Charlies emotions on him that was so sweet. I looked up at him and smiled leaning into him a little more.

Charlie coughed a little catching my attention. "Alright, you seem like an alright boy I suppose. What's your intentions with my daughter Hale? What if she plans to leave the country, are you willing to leave your life behind with your coven? What happens If she's in danger and she can't protect her? Are you willing to put you life on the line for her?" I flushed red in embarrassment.

"Charlie you don't have to worry about him-" I tired to explain to Charlie but I got interrupted.

"It's okay Alex, I understand that he's protective. Sir, I promise you I have no Ill intentions with your daughter, I only intend to be there for her and love her. If she were ever to leave the country Sir, I would follow her wherever she would like to go. My coven and Carlisle would understand if that's what I chose to do. And of course I would protect her with my entire life. She's my mate meaning she is my life. I can promise Chief Swan I wouldn't do anything to hurt Alexandria. I couldn't ever forgive myself if I hurt her in any way." Jaspers words shocked me. It's almost like he planned the entire conversation and everything he wanted to tell Charlie.

I looked towards Charlie and he seemed as impressed as I was. Jasper had definitely earned his respect, you could see it in his eyes. "Very well son. I am trusting you with my little Bambi. Don't hurt her. And call me Charlie. You're especially lucky that I trust Dr Cullen giving you more trust. Now run along children. No funny business up there and Alex your puppies are at Jacobs tonight he took them with him and Billy. They are getting their injections tomorrow and considering that you are at school and Jacobs not. I decided that it would be much easier than him travelling all the way through to collect them and then travelling all the way back to La Push and get them vaccinated."

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